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Everything posted by Canas_and_his_Monocle

  1. I picked Ursula I don't know why, I didn't really like the Four Fangs too much... I would have prefered Ursula to join over Jaffar though. The assassin class is...rather useless... If they could steal, it'd be different, but they don't.
  2. Sanaki She was against the Senate and even when her hands were tieds, she knew how to make things happen that could provoke change. Plus she apoligised to Reyson and Leanne and she hadn't even done anything. I doubt any other of the Ruler's would ever drop on their knees to apoligise for something they did wrong. They're too high up on their little thrones... Even Tibarn, he's probably got too much pride.
  3. pikachu diddy wario Diddy and Wario have poor up-B's in my opinion and pikachu... ... ive never used pikachu in any of the ssb games
  4. I got the first one for the DS. It was surprisingly good actually, I usually played as the dog guy (his name eludes me...) Is the wii one any good? Some of you seem to like it but most official ratings are rather low.
  5. I went with Giffca I just prefered the beast based laguz over the bird based laguz. That's why I brought Lethe in that battle too She wasn't even level twenty, I just decided to because of the demi-band But Giffca did turn out to be a beast Though I remember that bryce actually hit him, and caused damage AND survived a hit.
  6. I've had all sorts of critical hit unluckyness But the most unluckiest thing thats happened recently was a 97% hit missed. I found that really unlucky, I wasn't in any danger or anything...but i mean really? How the hell does one miss on a 97%?
  7. This has no solid evidense behind it... But I think we can logically assume that Boyd is near Ike's age, probably 17-19 in PoR And if he's 17-19 and Rolf is younger (and short compared to boyd, being about mist's height) we can estimate that Rolf is roughly 12-15 But these are just my thoughts I mean for a large chunk of characters, you can only make assumptions.
  8. And yet that's why I love him. He lacks the qualities of a traditional hero but he's got a charm to him. I mean look at how he's attracted Astrid with little to no effort. I find Geoffrey and Kieran to have rather flat personalities, it's all knightlyhood this and chivrily (spelled that wrong) that. I have nothing against Oscar, Titania and Astrid. They take up my 4th, 3rd and 2nd favorites respectively. But Makalov...he's just that guy you love to hate and hate to love ^.^
  9. Wow I feel so bad for Makalov >.< I'm one of only two people who have voted for him. I don't see what's wrong with him, he's got good defenses, high luck, rather good attacking stats. Heck I remember throwing him out in the front lines to stop a thief from getting away with loot and he dodged nearly every attack thrown at him. Don't remember what level it was...
  10. Just another Fire Emblem nut to gain the ranks. You can never have too many hmm? I can certainly hope not. To clear a few things up early: Yes, Canas is one of my favorite FE characters My favorite type of weapon is swords I prefer playing slow then fast, the enemies can come to me. I also tend to keep powerful long distance units (mages, archers, etc) And that's about it. It was a pleasure, ta ta for now~
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