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  • Birthday May 6

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    Blazing Sword

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  1. What build was your Faye running by the time you got her (2nd Trials, the one with Celica)?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Junkhead


      I meant to ask how it would fair with her, since I don't have Distant Def fodder for A-slot.


    3. Junkhead


      also what's the deal with your Matthew

      I literally never see him around other than non-Arena modes.

    4. Zeo


      He's my pride and joy. Lyn is my favorite character who I just pulled last month, but since promoting Matthew and finally feeding him the Close Counter from the spare Takumi I pulled near the beginning of the year when I started playing he's been my single most used unit in the game of late. I even plan to +10 him.


      If you're out of the loop, the Weapon Refinery boosted Rogue Dagger+ to debuff all enemies defenses and buff all allies defenses within 2 spaces on top of an insane jump from 7 MT to 12 MT. Stack that with a Seal or ATK Smoke skill and we're talking an 11 point damage reduction, then we're adding bonus damage to Bonfire and well... he's a beast basically.

      I'm the one that made the Matthew topic in the Heroes Analysis subforum. It's got this (and better versions of) build and others and my writeup of why Matt (and Saizo) are overwhelmingly slept on as units at this point.

      My current main team is Matthew/Inigo/Ayra/Genny and since Genny is an arena unit I've been running this team there and they've been doing well. The game loves throwing me armor emblem which Matt and my Dazzling/Wrathful Genny with Gravity just laughs at.

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