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  • Birthday May 6

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  1. What build was your Faye running by the time you got her (2nd Trials, the one with Celica)?

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    2. Zeo


      I say Inferior because Takumi, Leon, George and even Gordin can outperform her in that field. However they don't have her bulk, but that doesn't matter as much when she's getting doubled more. That being said, she performs fine and it's fun to use her that way.

      The idea of a Guard Bow+ Faye is fun in that she can run it better than other units, but ultimately it's an extremely costly build and even the Brave Bow+ build is cheaper and arguably simpler to use on her. More power to you I'd say.

    3. Junkhead


      I actually managed to fodder off both bows to her at the same time. lol ):

      Like I said, I need to look more into it. Not sure if +3 Res does the job for an A-slot. I'm just not too of a fan of building up a character for only a single round a combat, when the Brave set allows her to take some damage and then run off with full player control (please correct me if you know something that I don't).


    4. Zeo


      The Brave set has incredible longevity as long as you don't screw up your unit positioning. It's one of the reasons why I regret my Wo Dao+ Ogma, he performs well for one round of combat and after that he's just... over. I could run Desperation on him but then he'd be forgoing Swordbreaker which is typically what he's used for when he's not killing greens.

      I'd say your Faye is fine as is. +3 Res seems... incredibly underwhelming no matter what unit you're running and what you're trying to build. Even a Guard Bow+ user. But I've never built one of them, so what do I know there.

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