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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. Oh, hello there! *wave*

  2. Methinks this topic serves as a warning for the guests to escape while they can. Fwee.~
  3. HI GUESTS! *waves energetically* MAI NAME IZ... GUESS. FWEE.~
  4. I would most likely....take a nap. On a fluffy couch. Preferably with pillows. Then I'd wake up the next morning, saying "Ohsnapplewhereseveryone?" Then I'd go to the fridge and eat all the leftovers. Food is good. Fwee.~
  5. Hm, anyone else notice that the girls are having no part of this? Well, I'm pretty sure you all have. Also, I assumed Collete was a girl because of the name. Nyeh.
  6. FuukaruTora


    Win. Anyways, I like dances. Good for socializing and such! On a related note, Homecoming is on Saturday for me.
  7. Yeah, it is really strange how it passed. There's nothing wrong with gay people. I expected people to be a lot more sympathetic that this... I mean, how could you vote yes after hearing THIS!
  8. That was amazing. *bows down* Anyways, I trust Obama to lead the US out of war and help the economy recover. He has the leadership skills and wisdom to do all this, and I think he'll put it all to good use. Fwee.~
  9. FuukaruTora

    First Kiss

    Haven't had it yet, quite honestly... There is this one girl I like, though... I guess I shall keep my eyes open, nothing certain yet, though.
  10. How do I feel? HOW DO I FEEL? HOW. DO I. FEEL? I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gaaaaaay, and I pity any gi- boy, who isn't me, falalalalalalala.~ I feel charming, oh so charming, it's alarming how charming I feeeeel, and so pretty, that I can hardly believe I'm real, falalalalalala.~ Honestly, I'm happy. I'm looking forward to a kind of recovery from Bush's term. And I hope Obama doesn't get assassinated, that would be very sad for everyone, mostly for his family.
  11. Don't worry Lyle. You're a balla' balla' fo' sho'. Woah, there's lotsa red lines under my text. Anyways, you're my home boy for rizzles.
  12. Oh Em Gee MAFIA! I used to play this! It was amazing. SWEET. OKAY. I'M SO EXCITED THAT I WILL SPEAK IN ALL CAPS NOW. HARDY HAR HAR HAR. EXCITEMENT, FWEE!~ Okay, I'll stop now. But this is still a very epic time for me.
  13. Greatest sins I have committed on the forest, huh? I have.......................... no idea. I haven't done anything that I would consider a sin. Or maybe that's just my pride talking. Or a sock puppet. *holds up puppet* "你好." (Yes, I used Google to get this. I can't really speak Mandarin. Fwee.~)
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