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Everything posted by ghostpost

  1. Claude with a Killer Bow and crit-raising battalion is nuts Wyvern Rider Hilda has been putting in major work and Lysithea kills everything she touches.
  2. Like others have said...Claude! But I've been pleasantly surprised with the amount of unique dialogue in this game. I was expecting meal times and group tasks to have a bunch of generic dialogue and although there is some, it changes if certain characters are together. It really fleshes everyone out. I love the VA too - it's hard to dislike Lorenz when his voice is so nice! lol
  3. There was a theory that went around back then about Azura and Xander being Chrom and Lissa's parents. Haha. And people thought Hana was like Henry because her portrait before battle was the one with her closed-eye smile. It was kinda fun to read even though people were way off! Want to say: I'm so glad Hidari is back / The art style and character design is gorgeous. The setting looks great and the story seems promising. More RPG elements like SoV? Cool! Wow, a non-sword lord / non-MC avatar with dialogue choices. Neat, a smaller cast but with more plot relevance. This music is amazing Don't want to say: The characters seem to like the avatar a little...too much. Looks like the Fates weapon triangle is back. Those villains look a bit too, er, villainish. That character's cute, but they seem a little young for...oh, wonderful, they're actually 4,000. I'm REALLY not a fan of the dialogue so far. Humour and banter is welcome but how do these vaguely medieval people know about 2006 memes?? Expect to say: This music is amazing
  4. I have quite a few projects, but Lilina, Nowi and Raven are the units I've invested the most into. I also have a +3 Celica with summoner support, but trying to merge a 5* exclusive red unit is...well, it's not very fun! Nowi: Lilina: Raven:
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