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Status Updates posted by Rose482

  1. Sorry for turning your topic into a debate over Micaiah </3 

    1. ♠Soul♠


      But IT IS about Micaiah. 🤷‍♂️

  2. I've played the first 5 Tales games + Symphonia's sequel : P currently playing rebirth, although I have been taking my sweet time with it. 

  3. I've been wondering, how did you come to love Severa so much : P? Were you a fan of her character right away? Or did she grew on you with time? Most of my group of friends who also play FE don't really like her for some reason V_V I hope one day they will see the light. 

    1. Ottservia


      It was more so a gradual thing I'd say though I never hated her. Like honestly my first impressions of her were of indifference but she was a powerful unit(like all the kids) so I used her. A few support chains later and yeah then it just kind of spiraled from there. I don't remember the specific support that really did it though. I think it might've been her father support but again I can't really remember. Honestly I do not understand how anyone can read through the entirety of any one of her support chains and say she''s a bad character cause honestly those A-supports are very powerful stuff. Eh whatever opinions will be opinions. When people ask why I like Severa so much I just like to point them towards this fun little song

      If that don't describe her character to a tee, I don't know what does.

  4. Testing this out.....

    okay it's working!!! 

  5. 10/10 avatar by the way : P

    1. NekoKnight


      Ippei is an international treasure.

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