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Diovani Bressan

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Everything posted by Diovani Bressan

  1. Gunnthrá said she has, at least, one other sibling. Although, the way the story is going, he/she is probably dead. Also, there is the possibility of Bruno or Veronica become Legendary Heroes when IS decide to make both playable characters, but both need new exclusive weapons. A blue Tome with Vantage 2 and a Green Tome with "Panic Smoke" are not that amazing.
  2. For the next update, I expect Swift Mulagir in the Weapon Refinery, alongside the Sealed Falchion. Also, I hope M!Corrin to get a refinement and Azura to get a exclusive weapon (Blessed Lance).
  3. That's hilarious indeed. As you said, she has the lower base Atk, but her Desperation + Brash Assault + Wrath + Vantage or Quick Riposte SS combo makes Lyn very unique. She's still a really good unit, when having her weapon refined.
  4. I confess I would prefer a different hero, but I am ok with Lyn (again). Now the Lyn Emblem will be completed (with one of each color). She looks to be a good unit, although I can see Vantage being more useful with Laws of Sacae than Desperation. Refined Marth is the perfect support for Legendary Lyn, because he can give her more +4 Atk/Spd/Def/Res, making Lyn having +8 in all stats in enemy's phase, and more +5 Atk/Spd because of her weapon. I am sure I will make L' Lyn and Marth have support. The problem, for me, is... I already have the others 2 green units in the banner. I hope Lady Luck helps me in this banner, like how she helped me with Kinshi Hinoka (I got her in my 3nd summoning orbs, being the 1st the free one). I will also target the Colorless pool, because I don't have H' Jakob and L' Robin, and having more Wrathful Staffs is always good. Red is my 3rd priority, because I don't have Mage Eirika and Fallen Celica, and I can skip blue because I already have L' Ephraim and I got Micaiah as a pity breaker some time ago (although I would like some Sturdy Stance 2 and Distant Def 3). I would love to have F!Morgan in this Legendary Banner, because I want the Serpent Tome for my LA!Lyn, but sadly she is not in the banner. Maybe in the next one.
  5. Let's see... Now (April 26th 2018) I have 124 Lv 40 5-Stars Heroes, and 7 Lv 1 5-Stars Heroes My Lv 40 Heroes: +6 Marth, +3 Gunnthrá, +2 Roy, +1 Masked Marth, +1 Ayra, +1 Ephraim, +1 Brave Ike, +1 Merric, Alfonse, Ogma, Navarre, Athena, Alm, Gray, Tobin, Leif, Lyn, Eirika, Joshua, Marisa, Ika, Vanguard Ike, Lucina, M!Corrin, Ryoma, Soleil, Arden, Black Knight, Zelgius, Cain, Luke, Sigurd, Brave Roy, Seth, Xander, Siegbert, Caeda, NY!Camilla, Sharena, Fjorm, Lukas, Nephenee, Summer Robin, Donnel, Brave Lucina, Azura, Shiro, Hardin, LA!Eliwood, Effie, Roderick, Camus, Clive, Mathilda, Finn, L' Ephraim, Spring Xander, Clair, Anna, Summer Tiki, PA!Azura, Sheena, Hector, LA!Hector, Amelia, Christmas Lissa, Spring Alfonse, Michalis, Gerome, NY!Azura, Camilla, Gordin, Faye, Klein, Innes, Bride Cordelia, NY!Corrin, Takumi, Brave Lyn, Kinshi Hinoka, Sothe, PA!Olivia, Felicia, NY!Takumi, Celica, Arvis, Lilina, Tharja, M!Morgan, Summer Leo, Christmas Tharja, Leo, Halloween Nowi, Bride Caeda, Delthea, Tailtiu, Saias, Lute, Micaiah, M!Robin, Spring Lucina, LA!Lyn, Blue Reinhardt, Ursula, L'Arachel, Summer Corrin, Boey, Soren, F!Robin, Inigo, Halloween Henry, Green Olwen, LA!Lilina, Spring Camilla, Genny, Bride Lyn, Mist, Nanna, Priscilla, Young Tiki, Ninian, Fae, M!Grima and Myrrh. My Lv 1 Heroes: Eirika, 2 Vanguard Ike, Brave Lucina, Faye, Brave Lyn and Soren.
  6. Outside Hinoka, this banner is not that strong. Shigure is "meh" for me (the blue unit in my flying team is Summer Corrin) and I am sure he will be demoted, and Kana is a good unit but Myrhh and Grima are better choices. Well... F!Kana is the fastest green dragon, at least. We have 2 banners until the next main banner: Legendary Hero and Countering Skills. I hope the L' Hero banner has some really good units. It will probably have PA!Shigure and at least one halloween unit. I hope for one of the Fallen Heroes to appear in this banner, one of the Brave Heroes (because every L'Hero banner had a Brave unit) and maybe Elincia (I would like to have her). The Countering Skills banner will probably be units with breaker skills, although most of the breaker skill units are in the 3-4 pool.
  7. Yeah. Spd or Res refinement are the best for him. Sadly... he has IVs, so he is not a TT+ reward or GHB unit. He can be in the next main banner, or in a Voting Gauntlet banner.
  8. I got a +Spd -HP Hinoka with 9 orbs! Yay! Thinking to give her Swift Sparrow instead of Atk/Spd Bond. And now, with Hinoka in my army, I will keep my orbs for the Legendary Banner. Also, I am surprised with M!Kana! His stats and skills are great! I need get all 3 Kanas in this next GHB. Kaze looks to be a good unit too! Now we have the NY!Takumi's Kagami Mochi as the Barb Shuriken. Also, he has Atk Smoke and... 34 RES?! He is a really good Def Ploy user. I hope he is a free unit.
  9. At least the "Colorless Hell" is not that hell anymore. I think Mist and Jaffar are the only bad ones (in my opinion). Even Faye is very useful.
  10. Oh! That was cruel... but I liked it. Next Legendary Hero will be... Fallen Gunnthrá: Burned Princess.
  11. We only had 5 Legendary Heroes, so we cannot say there is a pattern. If the next L' Hero is female, and the next 2 are male, then we can say there is a pattern.
  12. Ryoma with a colored bow would be cool too, a red one. I don't remember the Legendary Heroes who are cutted for the next Legendary Hero Banner. I know Ephraim will return this time, and Robin will appear in the end of May. Having Ephraim makes Fjorm not appear in this banner. I don't know about Gunnthrá or Ike.
  13. I believe the next Legendary Hero will be a Fates character, and a member of one of the Royal Families. My votes are for Takumi or Sakura. Takumi would fit well as a Green Bow User, but having 3 Bow User Takumis are not that great. Sakura would be perfect for it. She could be a colored archer (green or red) and have a healing assist skill. She could have the Fates' Priestess Skill "Countermagic": if foe is a magic user and start the combat, foe will take X damage after the battle.
  14. Actually, I forgot about Joshua. I hope Kaze to have a new dagger. Could be Kaze's Needle or a Shuriken. In Fates, Kaze's Needle grant +4 Spd to allies in 2 spaces if user started the combat. It could be "Grima's Truth" in dagger form, although it would make it a weaker version of Peshkatz.
  15. Ryoma deserve to be a Legendary Hero or receive a alternative version, mainly after being excluded from the New Year Banner and still being a participant of "Christmas Vs. New Year" Voting Gauntlet, even without a costume.
  16. I don't believe the alt units will stop. Now, I expect at least one alt unit in each banner (sadly) About a Alt. for Ryoma... I liked Ryoma and Xander promoted costumes in Warriors, so I would like High Prince Ryoma and Crown Prince Xander in the game. Also, I would like High Priestess Sakura with a colored bow too.
  17. Oh, you're right. I searched for Darting Stance on the FEH Wiki, and Sharena appeared and I didn't notice she only has Darting Stance 1.
  18. If Kaze is the reward of the next TT+, that's could be good or bad. Good to have a free unit, and Kaze is one of my favorite units from Fates, but bad because he can have a normal dagger instead of having a unique one. From the TT Rewards, only Black Knight had a weapon which cannot be inherited. Masked Marth had one as well, but... you now... Masked Marth is clone of someone else. I am afraid of Kaze having Smoke Dagger too. For M!Kana, I believe he will have Water Breath or Dark Breath (like his mother) Also, I believe Water Breath+ can be refined. Normally, refined breaths add the "target the lower stat in ranged units" effect, but Water Breath already has it. Or the weapon will not be able to refine or the refinement only will give it bonus stats (+Atk, +Spd, +Def or +Res). Now with Shigure. He is the unit I can see being demoted to 4 stars, but what skill will be available as 4 stars: Darting Stance (exclusive to Spring Sharena)* or Ward Fliers (exclusive to Minerva and New Year Camilla)? I believe will be the C-Skill avaiable as a 4 stars skill, and the A-Skill will be exclusive to 5 stars. * Edit: Sharena only has Darting Stance 1, being a required skill for her Swift Stance skill.
  19. With the next main banner being a "Fates units", I believe the next Legendary Hero will be Takumi with a Colored Bow.
  20. What about Kaze? Kaze will be a Tempest Trial reward or something?
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