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Everything posted by Smfthegeek

  1. So is Olivia worth my time? Like I have her opus but it will take me time to get her support materials so im wondering about her usefulness.
  2. A little off topic but im speculating that if Path of Radiance dlc is ever made I feel they would include Titania as a Frederick clone
  3. Ya i think I may swap trample for luck+20 because his brute strength is strong enough to easily kill foot soldiers
  4. Ya im thinking: Astra,Luna,Armored Blow, Trample, and aegis or pavis
  5. So update I gave frederick a shot and got a hold of his axe and opus sooooo... do you think you could give me a good frederick build? Xander pales in comparison to frederick honestly.
  6. I prefer quick and aggressive units like Lyn so based on that, would Xander or Frederick suit that?
  7. Ya there's a map on Caravan Dancer thats mounted units only and I regret not using mounted units much because of it. I'm planning on using Elise and Caeda for sure but I can't decide between Xander and Freddy so can you tell me a bit about Xander?
  8. I honestly have only used Caeda and Elise along with Minerva when it comes to mounted units. I've semi-tried Frederick but haven't even slightly used Xander yet and I'm already 105 hours into the game.
  9. I find that Linde's issue is that she's too flimsy. She's also a bit slow compared to Tharja/Robin. However, despite that, her unique strong attacks DO set her apart so I do agree that she has some degree of superiority. She would be completely superior if it was for her glass canon-like style.
  10. Well, how do you guys feel about Elise/Leo compared to Tharja/Robin?
  11. Honestly thats very true. My playstyle is very agressive which is why Lyn is my go to. However Azura always does so well when paired up with Lyn I’ll probably keep her in the mix of characters I use.
  12. Truthfully I always pair her up with my Lyn and they destroy everything but I find shes pretty inferior to my Caeda and her wing spear on her own. Most of my characters are 100-108 in level btw. I'm probably gonna keep her in my main 4 just to be a pair up beast with Lyn. I may swap between Tharja and Elise for my Magic user depending on the situation.
  13. ya this is for warriors lol. her refresh unit here is mediocre and unneeded and she cant take any hits
  14. ~Welcome~ Here is a place to discuss: Character Builds, Character usefulness, and Skills. Basically anything about the characters you’d like to discuss
  15. Would someone like Elise be better suited for this type of process because I have enough money and materials to easily invest in her? Because I'm under the assumption that this will pay for itself in the long run.
  16. Or should I invest in a unit like Olivia or Elise who are more luck oriented?
  17. So if I equip Lyn who is my best unit (lv. 107) with payday and luck+ 20 i should be able to rake in some cash?
  18. I guess maybe... I’ll have to try lol. My issue is that I put all my eggs in one basket with like 4 characters and now im trying to get olivias opus which means i have to s rank all the levels on her map and some of the map restrictions are crippling because ive focused only a few characters and so i need big cash to level up some character :(
  19. I need to beef up my characters a bit. But I can only make money by selling weapons to get what I need. This takes forever so I’m wondering if theres any faster way to make money other than selling weapons in mass amounts. My gold amount never goes above 2 and a half million these days
  20. Ya but getting to that mission appears to be a bit overwhelming but... its the weekend so I’ll go for it >:)
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