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Smashy B

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Posts posted by Smashy B

  1. I chose to train Nino, and I was able to easily train her just by using the mine trick. Needless to say, she is the best character in the game, IMO. I maxed out everything besides her defense. And I used Afa's drops too.

  2. Mine is recent. I was about 3 hours in the arena when I was using Miledy. I was jaded and accidently accepted a high offer. When I realized my mistake, I did an SC Normal Save (L+R+A+select for Supercard) which makes that the last save point. Anyway, Miledy ended up against a swordmaster, the sm criticaled, and my Wyvern Lady died.

    I chose not to restart the chapter, couldn't get the divine weapon, thus ending my playthrough earlier than I had hoped.

  3. Welcome to the forest, smashbro. If you need a Fireman, just...uhhh.....do that thing they tell you to do...

    Hope you have a good time here. :D

    How's 10,000 gold?

    Oh, and trying to find av's and stuff. Where's a good place?

    Though, I may just upload a Brawl snapshot... but I dunno if it will go over well.

  4. Hi. I've been using this site for a while, and i finally got around to registering here. I am a user of another forum (not Fire Emblem) so I get the whole conduct and whatever. I've beaten Fire Emblem 7-10 and am currently playing the 6th. I also abuse the arenas whenever possible. Anyway, I'll probably become a regular here in a bit, though I like the other place better.

    That's it.

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