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Everything posted by PKL

  1. 13 turns in 3-4? O_o why and how did u take so long there?
  2. Chapter 12 7/83 Marcia was given the draco for this chapter. And an iron crit forge. Couldve been 3 turns but i decided against promoting marcia so early. In turn 7, the robe raven was critkilled and the other remaining raven sd'd too. +Robe :D --- Base: +50 bexp to marcia/soren/rolf Gave marcia the robe Chapter 13 7/90 gave marcia my keys and she flew around getting chests and routing in the process. Titania kieran rolf soren helped with routing while ike guarded the defemd tile and astrid chipped. Sothe helped with the eastern chests then north. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Ike 15 79 37 12 4 14 15 11 11 5 C soren Titania 9 51 40 16 5 18 18 15 14 10 Marcia 1 00 39 15 4 17 21 10 15 13 C rolf Kieran 17 82 33 14 1 12 16 9 12 2 Soren 16 10 25 0 15 16 14 9 3 16 C ike Rolf 16 26 28 11 2 15 14 11 10 5 C marcia Astrid 5 00 22 7 2 8 10 5 6 4 I checked stats in 14 base after bexp on astrid so thats why shes at lv 5. Marcia was in 19 at the end of 13 and promoted in 14 base. Edit: Chapter 14 4/94 Easy chapter. Titania weakened boss then marcia got the kill. Kieran got the red gem by killing makalov xd. And sothe got the dust. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Ike 16 36 38 13 4 14 16 11 11 5 C soren Titania 9 63 same Soren 16 54 same Marcia 2 24 39 15 4 17 21 10 15 13 C rolf Rolf 16 65 28 11 2 15 14 11 10 5 C marcia Kieran 18 77 34 14 1 13 16 10 12 2 Astrid 7 16 23 8 3 10 12 5 6 5 --- base: +23 bexp to kieran and promoted him. 50 bexp to rolf and soren. Marcia x kieran c. Marcia x rolf b. Chapter 15 3 turns/97 Sothe went for the boots. Marcia for muarim with the laguz lance. She doubled muarim after the level up from when the tigers attacked her. Sothe got shoved by soren and he got the boots. Astrid rolf and soren all got some kills. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Ike 16.36 same Marcia 3 39 40 16 4 18 22 10 16 13 B rolf C kieran Titania 9 71 same Rolf 17 49 28 11 3 16 15 11 10 5 B marcia Soren 17 37 26 0 16 16 15 9 3 17 C ike Kieran 1 25 38 17 3 15 19 10 15 5 C marcia Astrid 9 02 24 11 3 11 13 6 7 5
  3. Sorry for double post. Phone issues.
  4. Chapter 10 10/71 titania stealthily makes her way to kierans door. While the others make their way north. When they far enough. Titania attacked a soldier. Next turn she opens door and kills stuff. Rolf marcia soren and ike team up on the northern enemies. Rolf lured and killed an archer with his forge. After titania is done she joined the others. Koing the halberdier blocking the exit then cantoing to the boss. She kills him with help from soren and i escape. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Ike 13 73 36 11 3 13 14 10 10 4 C soren Titania 8 41 40 16 5 17 18 14 14 9 Soren 11 30 23 0 12 13 12 7 3 13 C ike Marcia 9 01 22 9 0 10 14 5 9 7 Rolf 11 13 25 9 1 12 11 8 9 4 --- Base: 50 bexp to everyone except tit. Kieran to 14 and given speedwings. Max mt max hit Forge for marcia. Chapter 11 6/77 Titania rush. Marcia got boss kill after rofl lured him. Kieran was boss. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Ike 14 57 37 12 3 13 15 10 10 5 C Soren Titania 8 92 40 16 5 17 18 14 14 9 Soren 13 26 24 0 14 14 13 8 3 14 C ike Marcia 11 82 23 10 1 11 15 6 9 8 Kieran 15 87 32 13 1 11 15*9 11 1 Rolf 12 85 25 9 2 13 12 9 9 4 --- Base: marciaxrolf C. Sothe recruited and taken to base lv (unequipped blossom) Chapter 12 in progress
  5. Kieran makes it up for the turns he costs me in chapter 10 right? Kieran and marcia have made otherwise easy rush chapters into slow wait for me and recruit me chapters. :(
  6. @Elincia- Mist is really bad isnt she? :/
  7. Im obv being sarcastic. Its only 1 chapter and hes not shaving turns.
  8. @rk- it is when all the enemies hit her that turn lol. I have bad luck.
  9. Shes a pegknight in disguise in this game obv. Jill ALWAYS dies for me in every playthrough at least once. Shes so suicidal and that hp is too low. Not to mention her res sux at that point and theres a mage that attacks her in turn 1. >_>
  10. Yeah RD hm is dumb in drafts. No battle saves, limited bexp and exp on top of being irritating period. >_>
  11. Alright awesome now my wall of texts be more readable in drafts with coding xd. And lol, have u even gotten past 4-4 yet? Xd
  12. Ikes route is usually the easiest for me. I had a bad experience with 4-2 in kp's hm draft that left me traumatized lol. So yeah i tend to fear hawk route more than silver or greil. Btw, check my edit. Did i code it well?
  13. Yeah i want to 2 turn 4-5 but if rolf is needed in greil ill be ok with a 3 turn with janaff. Testing how to code stats. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Skills Strike Ike 20 00 65 37 20 40 37 30 32 23 Nihil Daunt Like this?
  14. Hmm you think? Rolf's 4-5 is amazing. I just need to drop him and vigor him for a 2 turn. As well as having a great 4-2 with crossbows. But ill consider it depending on how good (or bad) kysha turns out. Also, how do i code stats without it looking like a mess?
  15. Yes you should. Unrelated: im thinking of my part 4. Should i distribute my characters like this? [silver Army] Micaiah Volug Calill [Greil Army] Ike Nephenee Kysha [Hawk Army] Janaff Tauroneo Rolf Pelleas[/Code] Coding finally worked on my phone! But yeah is it well distributed?
  16. Pelleas. Btw i found out today i suck really hard at PoR drafts. Seriously im terrible in that game xd.
  17. Redid chapter 10 in 6 turns with combat buuuut forgot kieran. I thought he was recruited automatically. Sigh i should just stay in radiand dawn drafts lol.
  18. Leave it. He only meatshielded but still i deserve the penalty for being such a noob in FE9.
  19. I completed his 3rd level then + 7 which is what rk told me. Theres a mistake there, rolf cant be bexpd in chapter 9 base so he cant have a bexp base level. Just complete a lv then + whatever. @xander- oh o_O wow i have no clue how that place can be 7 turned with just titan and ike. Ike has loldurability even with the robe and like u said titan doesnt orko armors and theres a whole bunch of 2 range enemies.
  20. Chapter 8 8/53 ----- This chapter was a mess. Soren was 2rkod so i had to ensure he only got attacked by 1 enemy in the chokepoint. Thats why i had titania soften a place up then soren would block there. It was a mess due to my units changing chokepoints every turn. ---- Ike 12.06 35 11 3 12 13 10 9 4 Titania 6.01 38 15 5 16 16 13 13 8 Soren 8.66 21 0 11 11 11 7 2 12 ---- Chapter 9 base: bexp + 50 ike soren. Ike x soren C. Finally more units... --- Chapter 9 8/61 -- Had to wait for marcia. Rolf was fed kills and titania rushed to the boss. After marcia talked to ike she ferried him. --- Ike 12.56 same Titania 7.44 38 15 5 17 17 14 13 9 Soren 9.54 22 0 11 12 11 7 3 12 Rolf 2.11 19 5 0 8 7 5 6 2 Marcia 5.07 20 8 0 7 11 4 8 6 ---- Chapter 10 base +50 bexp to ike and soren. Rolf to 10.00 marcia to 8.00. --- Ike 13.06 36 11 3 13 14 10 10 4 Titania same Soren 10.04 22 0 12 13 12 7 3 13 Rolf 10.0 24 8 1 12 11 8 8 4 Marcia 8.0 22 9 0 9 13 5 8 7 Am i doing bexp right?
  21. Oh sorry, umm lucia. Was originally gonna pick lincia but ill leave her for xander.
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