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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Lulz, he was the only good db left other than zihark. I wanted to draft jill but she was picked right before it was my turn x_x.

  2. I based my picks on how much bexp they can get. I think kieran is fine with +3 levels. And id be pissed if it changed now after my pick.
  3. Its been a while since i played this game. Is the xp gain really that much?
  4. @Core- theres a thread in general fire emblem called draft tournaments explained. Copy paste the unit list then take units out when they get picked.
  5. Btw imo, 100 bexp per chapter is a lot better.
  6. ^ hes a good unit i dont see a problem with his pick.
  7. Well played @ red fox for picking marcia. Ive used her in 3 drafts already so i wanted to change my team around a bit. (Probably wouldnt have picked her)
  8. Yeah xd. I have no life on summer. I start college again in 2 weeks though but ill be done before then hopefully.
  9. Alright, ill remember that for next time. Ive only done it with meteor while tormod blesses rexflame to have the 2 options. Blessing wyrmslayer is something i also had in mind.
  10. All caps for emphasis. Shes mine and im glad i finally get her in a draft.
  11. Bump. 4-3 6 turns/21 Marcia is awesome! Skrimir took the western enemies and marcia the boss area. Mic recruited stefan and he beats the fighter. Lekain flees and ends the chapter. Micaiah 20 37 7 30 23 25 39 12 30 resolve miracle Marcia 18.39 50 32 17 33 36 33 28 32 adept vantage Skrimir 30.89 71 23 3 14 14 25 20 9 roar provoke wildheart quickclaw Sothe 5.06 46 26 13 32 33 33 22 19 paragon 4-4 8 turns/29 Tormod bexp to 18 then crown and spirit dust. Nolan took west. Soren the boss area, tormod took on reinforcements and the northeast chest room getting fortify. Ike took the mage room. Tormod meteor'd the southern general. Ike 16.63 64 37 12 40 35 21 32 15 Soren 18.44 50 23 40 34 31 29 24 36 pass daunt Nolan 13.53 63 36 9 36 35 30 28 20 Tormod 15.50 50 24 36* 30 32 18 24 30 paragon 4-5 2 turns/31 Reyson gets celerity. Tibarn ferried rolf then reyson vigored both tibarn and rolf. Tibarn smites rolf and rolf kills izuka. Lyre beat every laguz in the start. Bastian recruited volke. Tibarn 32.30 68 19 2 24 20 30 17 10 savior smite Rolf 13.00 59 36 9 39 34 26 32 23 paragon pass Lyre 26.63 54 10 10 16 18 22 9 10 adept beastfoe
  12. It isnt necessary to have eddie nolan volug jill or zihark but it sure does help and saves turns.
  13. In radiant dawn drafts, can an undrafted be taken to endgame to bless another weapon? Or say, can sanaki bless meteor if shes undrafted? Oh and btw i started a RD NM draft a few days ago called "Another RD draft". Everyone has their picks already.
  14. Volug or titan. Volug or titan. Volug or titan? VOLUG OR TITAN lol. Decisions decisions ah what the hell give me volug.
  15. Alright just checking if it was my turn. I saw nobody posting and wondered if it was my turn. *Checks OP* Edit- im after balcerzak and eddie got picked Nooo :(.
  16. 3-E 5 turns/99 a bunch of javelin forges were put in the convoy. 1 of them has 3 mt from a coin and another 2 mt from a coin. I bexp to 99 most of the chars. I forge max mt hand axes and put them in convoy. Marcia found rescue. Nolan was threatening but at 2 range he was facing terrible hit rates. Which allowed rolf soren and ike to kill him. I found a way to lure 1 general towards lyre and built strike. Almost at s probably 1 or 2 more rounds of combat. Ike 1.00 54 29 7 32 30 18 28 14 Soren 10.18 47 23 36 30 28 25 24 33 Rolf 7.11 54 33 7 36 33 25 31 21 Lyre 22.19 52 10 8 14 16 21 9 9 Marcia forgot to look at her stats Part 3 total: 99 Total: 216 Teams: Silver: Micaiah Marcia skrimir Greil: Ike Nolan Soren Hawk: Tibarn Rolf Lyre 4-P sold rexbolt. Bexp sothe to 2 capping everything but mag. I have too much bexp so i dont care lol. Skrimir to 30 and sign him. Marcia gets vantage adept and the javelin forges. Marcia kills crossbow guy in turn 1 with adept then sits in magic square resolve mic handles east with thani. Sothe skrimir handled the starting position enemies a halb and warrior. Marcia had boots. She stunned the longbow pally in turn 2 and the pacifist general in turn 3. 3 turns/3 Micaiah 15.43 32 7 30 22 21 34 12 30 resolve miracle Sothe 1.00 44 24 12 28 32 29 22 19 Skrimir 30.23 71 23 8 14 14 25 20 9 S Marcia 12.80 50 31 16 29 35 28 28 29 adept vantage 4-1 5 turns/8 ike gets paragon. Nolan destroys western wall reveals priest then kills him. Ike goes south he had 33 spd by the time he reached catalena thanks to paragon. Soren handled the generals to the east then the eastern priest. Ike 14.25 63 37 12 40 33 21 32 15 paragon A soren Soren 12.08 48 23 38 32 30 25 24 35 adept daunt A ike Nolan 10.61 62 35 9 34 35 30 28 20 nihil 4-2 7 turns /15 Tibarn gets celerity unequipping pavise. Rolf gets resolve wrath. Lyre to .99 and unequipped blossom. Equipped adept. Lyre handled reinforcements and reached s rank both north and turn 7 southeast. Rolf went south then west killing everything with resolve wrath taksh/aqqar. Celerity tibarn did his stuff in the boss area. Lincy rescued pelleas and hid. Tibarn 32.12 68 19 2 24 20 30 17 10 SS savior celerity Rolf 11.19 57 36 8 38 34 26 32 22 wrath resolve B lyre Lyre 24.13 53 10 9 15 17 21 9 9 S B rolf
  17. His 4-1 was awesome though. It was mainly 4-4 and endgame where he slowed down.
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