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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Yeah, so far we've seen quite a few combos, so perhaps proper hitstun is back...here's to hoping. Man, Im hyped for the summer release, the new ZSS and Sheik looks. And now im fairly certain that we wont see quite a few veterans until release or just before release.
  2. Note how hes still hesitant to actually show him though...idk, something tells me its not a coincidence that he once again didnt show him outright.
  3. Oh, yeah, I copy pasted a previous turn where he had 20 HP. Copy pasting is the worst I tell ya. GG anyway.
  4. [spoiler=See teams here] Refa's team vs. Shin's team Turn 19 vs Refa's Mist (Silver Sword) attacks Shin's Giffca (Claw)! Mist activates Wrath! 7 dmg 92% Hit 50% Crit (19 98 18) Ouch! Mist finishes it with a crit! Giffca receives 21 damage! (0/68) Giffca falls! So the winner of the match is Refa!
  5. In case Refa makes a mistake! He might choose Runesword or something.
  6. Miracle: 26 close but not quite, Ike did die. [spoiler=See teams here] Refa's team vs. Shin's team Turn 17 vs Refa's Mist (Silver Sword) attacks Shin's Giffca (Claw)! 7 dmg 92% Hit 0% Crit (22 20 87) Giffca receives 7 damage! (13/68 HP left) Giffca counterattacks! 17 dmg 100% Hit 0% Crit Mist receives 17 damage! (36/53 HP left) Refa Shin Ike 0/59 Ike 0/60 Boyd 0/60 Astrid 0/50 Brom 0/55 Makalov 0/51 Mist 36/53 Haar 0/53 Giffca 0/68 Giffca 13/68 [20] Shin's turn! Turn 18 vs Shin's Giffca (Claw) attacks Refa's Mist (Silver Sword)! Mist activates Vantage! 7 dmg 92% Hit 0% Crit (97 58 44) Giffca receives 7 damage! (6/68 HP left) Giffca counterattacks! 17 dmg 100% Hit 0% Crit Mist receives 17 damage! (19/53 HP left) Refa Shin Ike 0/59 Ike 0/60 Boyd 0/60 Astrid 0/50 Brom 0/55 Makalov 0/51 Mist 19/53 Haar 0/53 Giffca 0/68 Giffca 6/68 [20] Refa's turn!
  7. Well...he has a guard, vantage and a silver sword...
  8. You do the next lol. Im just quoting stuff because I thought u werent here.
  9. I really enjoyed base conversations from Tellius. I think that system, but with even more info about whats going on in the army before battle would work wonders to flesh out the characters and their world.
  10. I personally would prefer Lucina over the other 2. And it might end up happening because Super Bash Sisters!
  11. And a few tourney people (me included) can still enjoy smash a lot with items on with a lot of friends just whacking each other sometimes. :P I played like that the other day with 2 fellow competitors and we couldnt stop for like 2 hours! Strangely, Im pretty bad when playing with items on since I lost the most out of the 3 with items, but won 90% of brawl matches with items off. @ Jedi- yeah, thats mentioned in the documentary IIRC. Ken's coast had items for the longest time and then random stuff started to happen and slowly they started turning off the items. Anyway, how much til the Direct?
  12. I have casual friends that legitimately hate Brawl. In fact, if it were from real life experiences, I'd say casuals hate Brawl more than those "tourney people" like you call them. "Metaknight this, metaknight that, brawl sucks, omg it has no L cancel, omg so campy screw this game" are common complaints not just from "tourney people".
  13. It's not a horrible mechanic...L cancel added depth just by existing. There are ways to vary the timing of the L cancel depending on how your attack hits the opponent's shield (if its angled up or if you have a lightshield, your L cancel timing can be off). It made aerials have less lag, leading to safer aggresive openings, which Brawl severely lacked. You could argue that manual L cancel isnt neccesary, but I definetely disagree. It also added a skill barrier that only took a few days to overcome for the dedicated. If not L cancel, which is unlikely, I want proper hitstun back. Otherwise it'll be gay Brawl 2.0 with everyone camping all day long.
  14. Is it bad that Im only hoping for L Cancel and no veterans/newcomers? Then again im more worried about the gameplay ever since my 2 mains (Toon and Marth) got confirmed...
  15. You didnt update the Avo section of Makalov's stats. He has a new luck stat = 19. 27x2 = 54 +19 = 73 + 15 from A Astrid = 88. 181-88 = 93
  16. The hit is wrong Espinosa. Makalov faces 93% hit from Giffca after A Astrid.
  17. Ok nevermind. Not feeling well. So I think i'll lie down for a bit too!
  18. You could send me your teams and we'd progress for 2 more hours!
  19. Except the cut support one is only 3 units long with less conflicting roles.
  20. 16 dmg once with Laguzguard. 11x2 the other. So Crushing.
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