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Everything posted by Kryptnyt

  1. Charles as a unit for sure, his personal skill is super great given all the axes in the E rank (Is there a way to get Charles a Devil Axe? That would be awesomesauce) I don't know if anyone really stood out to me as a character. I think Kate could be really funny with a little more characterization though.
  2. Liked it, didn't encounter any crashes or bugs other than some slowdown on the current final level. Would have liked to be able to promote one or two units just to play around with them, but I didn't find any master seals, so that was a disappointment, but they were probably withheld for difficulty reasons, or because the skill system isn't fully fleshed out maybe. I do like the combination of heal+rally on the staff users, but honestly it makes the Camaraderie skill more of a drawback than a benefit. Maybe Camaraderie could heal a % of missing current HP instead of a % of the total HP pool (say, 30%?), so that you don't quite top off at the start of your turn? Or perhaps the skill could be replaced altogether.
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