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Everything posted by 1st_lieutenant_noguchi

  1. Hey everyone! My name's 1st_lieutenant_noguchi (Obviously) but a lot of people abbreviate that to 1st, 1st lieutenant, Noguchi, or Guch. Any work. A little bit about me. I'm 18 years old. I've lurked around here to look at fan projects for awhile, and will probably mostly continue to do so. I've played Fire Emblem probably upwards of 12 or 13 years now, starting with FE8 and then FE7, followed by the Tellius games. Haven't played anything newer than FE11 or older than FE6. I'm also a huge fan of the Tales series, though that's pretty irrelevant. My big thing in the community is writing. I wrote Art of Forde for Marc's Ragefest V (with my friend Snakey1 who isn't here on Serenes eventing and designing). I'm also a musician, playing mostly clarinet but also some saxophone if anyone here is into that sort of stuff. Lastly if you like watching Twitch or YouTube, I do both very sparingly. I'm on both under the same username that I am on here. I think that about covers it. Looking forward to continue lurking and seeing what this community is up to!
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