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Posts posted by Aethereal

  1. TBH, I don't see why not. I don't think that waiting to promote him so much later in the game will help your endgame team much. And considering how many extra chapters of an extra paladin you'd get if you promoted him early, seems like a no-brainer to me.

  2. I just hope that the new mechanic is:

    1. Useful. In the gameplay video, the player could have just attacked from range first with the mage and then attacked with the lord for the KO.

    I wouldn't worry too much about it. The video ends right after that attack, I think they just wanted to demonstrate the dual attack, and that's why the mage just waited. Of course, that's just what I assumed, so.

    2. Not overpowered. It seems currently to be one of those things that's restricted only to player units and can't be utilized by enemy units at all. I assume that careful manipulation of this mechanic can result in easy uncounterable player phase kills.

    This is what I'm worried about. And, even if it can be utilized by enemies, that seems like it could be overpowered as well. Units in a choke point could get attacked 4 times instead of two if both a ranged attacker and a melee attacker could dual strike, and every ranged unit afterwards would be 2 more attacks. Constantly baiting enemy units each map to keep from getting ganged up on doesn't sound fun.

    I'm still really excited, but the dual battle system could be shitty if done wrong. Either way, a new fire emblem has got me excited and happy, so whatever.

  3. I hate the anti-conformist. The one who acts completely different 'Because she's a different unique person and she has problems!' doesn't fly with me. Everybody has problems. Doesn't mean you have to stand out so far, others' eyes are drawn to you. Nothing more then attention seekers who need to feel wanted.

    I just be myself, like everybody else should. I'm smart enough, athletic enough, and attractive enough to avoid getting picked on, and I make friends with those who are good to be friends with and who I like being with. Of course, peer pressure does a lot, and nobody is immune. But conforming to a group isn't always a bad thing, if one can retain his own individuality.

    I don't think you're talking about actual anti-conformity. A huge group of people does X, and a huge group of other people does Y. Both groups are filled with people who share a lot of qualities, do the same things, and act similarly, in an effort to fit in. Which group is the conformists? The "Anti-Conformist" label is something certain people give themselves, when they want to consider themselves different/unique/"individuals" when they're just a bunch of tools. If you and all of your friends listen to the same music, go to the same bars/concerts, talk about the same things, dress the same way, get the same piercings/died hair/whatever, kill free time the same way, have the same sense of humor, have the same political beliefs, etc, you're not anti-conformist at all. There's nothing wrong with those things, but people who flaunt themselves as anti-conformists, when they act just like their click of people, are generally looking for attention or respect.

    I don't think it should honestly matter wether a group thinks it's good or bad, but it'd be pretty judgmental to say every one should think that way and act that way, because it's what I think. I completely understand that the people who do things for other people's respect/admiration/whatever is important to some. The problem is the asshole behavior, flaunting their "rebellion" as if it somehow makes them better people, and the complete double standard through which they look at others.

    End of long rant when it is entirely too early to be making a point like this.

  4. Alternatively you could just link him to the two pages on this site that shows that the only two stats a 20/20 Franz would beat a --/20 Seth in are HP and skill. The whole "Tower Abuse can make him gud" argument is ridiculous. Tower Abuse=/=How the game is naturally played. I know we can't really know a game maker's intention on how they wanted the game played, but I doubt they wanted people to have 20/20 characters at the route split, or whenever you can get them. There's a reason the terms arena/tower/boss abuse have the word abuse in them. Because it's abusing the system.

  5. People who aren't on actual Fire Emblem communities (TV Tropes, YouTube, whatever else) usually think endgame(Which for them usually constitutes 20/20) stats are all that matter, and even then don't acknowledge the usefulness that any pre-promote who does have good stats have. I can't even begin to explain it, but there's a reason they all arena/boss abuse. =/

  6. Rather than personal skills, I'd like to see more unique and dynamic skills. In FE10, Sol, Luna, Stun, Colossus, etc. are all basically the same thing: An instant kill, that happens completely by chance. It doesn't make the gameplay more interesting, it just makes your units better. I think the goat thing would be hilarious personally, but more importantly, I'd like to see more interesting differences between classes.

  7. I swear I read it a while ago, but a second google search has proved me wrong. At this point its showing that drug crime rates are increasing, but in terms of the economy- abortions and gay marriage aren't as big an issue as the drug war. In terms of social freedoms... yes, those two are far more important than weed. I think what I *may* have read was that 70% of all people incarcerated for drugs were marijuana. So I apologize for that, I definitely should've read much closer.

    Yeah, I can believe that. I just wanted to make it clear that there's a difference between economic issues, and freedoms.

    If everyone has lots of money, is money worth anything?


    These are two statements that show a lot of ignorance regarding why we're having such a huge financial crisis.

    The one thing Ron Paul can do without Congress is end our foreign occupations and wars, saving trillions of dollars and thousands of lives each year, while a lot of the stuff he's "nutty" about (going back to gold standard, leaving the UN, etc.) require congressional approval that will never happen due to the existence of the Democratic party, so why not vote for him so he can end the wars and wasted money overseas?

    I'm not interested in voting to elect someone with whom I disagree very strongly about, on many points, even if they probably would never be passed.

    Do you listen to anything besides what CNN, MSNBC, and other liberal media outlets tell you?

    This is a two way street.

  8. Add to the fact that a *large* majority of people are in jail for something that shouldn't be illegal in the first place. A very large majority; I think a solid 75% of inmates (or some massive percent) are there because of something related to marijuana. It also costs ~35K/yr to keep an inmate in jail, so just imagine how much we could save per year. In fact, investing that money into more financial aid for people could help too because it's enough to give two people near-full rides to an in-state college every year, and one person a full ride to an out-of-state college (per year).

    I'd have to see some kind of reputable source to believe that, or anything close to that. A few years ago, the stat was something like 20% of inmates were incarcerated for drug related crimes in state prisons, and 50% in federal prisons. For DRUG related crimes, not marijuana related. Legalizing marijuana is a minor issue, and really, marijuana isn't remotely as important to any one's life as abortion is for those who need it, or gay marriage is for homosexuals. The exception is, of course, people who honestly need marijuana for medical conditions, but since they're handing out medical marijuana cards for any one who can come up with an excuse for one, that's kind of moot.

  9. My goodness, this forum is full of fast people! Like, we totally need to arrange a foot race.

    laugh.gif In high school I was a basketball player who wasn't particularly tall, couldn't particularly jump, and wasn't particularly strong. Quickness/Speed was my only redeeming athletic quality.

  10. Heh, these responses are interesting.

    I was all over the map as a teenager. Trying too hard to be something I wasn't near the beginning of my highschool/end of middle school life, and then just really apathetic towards being social at all at the end of my teen years (Which I guess aren't over for a few weeks technically. Whatever.). I'm pretty happy with how I've turned out, and while I'm not happy about the stupid shit I did, I wouldn't do it over.

    I definitely would say that being a teenager, at least at first, was hard. I probably overreacted to some things, and brought some things on myself, but it wasn't that my life was "hard", it was that being a teenager can be a tough thing. For an average person, and in my personal experience, you go in one side a naive and clueless child with basically 0 responsibilities, and after a few years are supposed to be an adult, and be basically self sufficient. I'd say most people change more in those 4-7 years than the rest of their lives, but maybe I'm just clueless. Of course it won't always be a smooth transition. If you haven't been taught a bunch of life lessons throughout your life, or are just dumb (Like me!) you're gonna mess up and hurt yourself from time to time while you figure out life.

  11. Could you imagine if they capped every single stat what some people would be saying about the units? There are still a lot of places where you can see people talk about how good the 3 trainees are as it is, low bases and bad growths and all. Now imagine even giving +5 or +10 to each growth and see how stubborn they are with refusing to accept Amelia and friends are bad units.

    Well, two things. In order for a unit who starts with bad bases to have any kind of purpose, they need to turn out good. Not just average, like the trainees do. I agree the idiots would be annoying, but idiots are always annoying. But also, they really don't need to cap every stat, they need to be above average for the latter portion of the game if you drag yourself through training them.

  12. Fuck guys, I don't see what the problem is. Use both. Having two healers is always so much better than just having one anyway.

    I don't really think there's a problem on the subject of which healer, or any one especially bashing on Serra. One person's bashing on Priscilla, but most people are just mad at him for being unreasonable. They're not saying that either is terrible, or shouldn't both be used at the same time.

  13. Too bad, like Anou said, if you want growths so bad, open it up with Nightmare. As far as I know, Astra wont be releasing growths. I mean who the hell does that?

    The only thing a tier list would result in is extra work and flame. You havent even seen half the cast yet so whats the point?

    Not only that, but you really can't judge characters without seeing the future maps. Bosses/Enemies/Terrain/Layout/whatever affects value a ton. Any tier list would be super inaccurate. =X

  14. Maybe I'm too bitter from being screwed, but I feel like growth units can almost ruin playthroughs (From a fun stand point at the least) if you get screwed. Guy strength screwed? Harhar too bad. All those resources and effort gave you a shitty unit. Harken gains 0 stats on every level up? Don't give a damn, still badass.

  15. Yeah, the word is fairly common, and most black men in particular don't give a shit if they're called it. But, that's mainly because those people don't have it/haven't had it thrown in their face as a racist term. Or maybe they have, and it hasn't stuck with them, I dunno. We (at least in the parts of America I've lived in, I can't honestly speak for everywhere.) don't live in a society that's got widespread animosity towards any ethnicity any longer, and especially not publicly. But there absolutely are people who have had some seriously negative experiences just because of their race, and that could always include some one using the "N-Word" in a racist way. As some one who's not black, why would I even want to risk that? I'm not trying to make some one relive terrible experiences that I can barely even hope to understand, much less relate to. That's the problem with the word to me, it's so commonly used, and maybe that's okay for close friends or something I guess I dunno, but I'm sure that people have been seriously offended by the word, and will continue to be. I don't understand how or why a term that can, and in the past has, instilled serious pain in some one else, for reasonable reasons, is okay.

    To try to draw a comparison with something else. You wouldn't call every one you know fat, or any other minor insult all the time. Even if most people are secure enough to laugh it off, you don't want to offend some one in the off-chance they're self conscious about their weight, or you just don't want to seem like an ass. Fat=Nothing. Calling some one fat is rude, but who cares in the big scheme of things. Yet, this word, with such a history behind it, and the ability to really offend some one, is thrown around all the time. It's good you noticed. It's shitty it's thrown around, and I don't even remotely understand.

  16. We felt it in Baltimore, they're still talking about it on the news. Wasn't anything more than minor shaking, but it's the first time I've felt an earthquake. Is this what it's like to live in California?

    Not really. It happens often enough for it to not feel exciting or anything, and not enough to be a nuisance. Also, people don't particularly care here, but facebook and the news pretty much had a panic about it. Understandably I suppose though.

  17. Yeah, I get that they had their stuff taken, and I had Astra get the chests in my playthrough as well. In other games I've seen items returned/found under the idea that the prisoners' possessions were taken, but were in the immediate area. Like, in a storage room or something. So, soon after being rescued/escaping they could get their items back. I think this even happens in FE10 when Micaiah is captured? I don't really remember. But if it's not doable, or you feel like that goes against the plot, I understand. Just pointing something out, and it's a pretty minor thing either way.

  18. If it wasn't for him my whole team would be extinct :^_^:. BTW is he a jeigan or an oifaye?

    Neither, he's a badass.

    Comment a friend had when I showed him the game: Enjo and his cavs losing their inventory is kind of sudden and without warning. It was fun for me to hear him get sad about losing out on the Fire Sword, but it kinda stinks, especially if you're playing the chapter for the first time and have one of them go back for the chests. Any way they can have their inventory returned to them when you recruit them? Or sent to you in some way? If not it's not the biggest deal, but figured I'd mention it.

  19. Haven't read anything by Lewis, and thus I can't comment on whether or not he knows what he's talking about.

    Wait, what? His writing ability and other beliefs/thoughts/comments aren't relevant to that point at all. What is relevant is the idea that shunning things that are "childish" is childish itself. You can agree or disagree, but don't dismiss the idea because of not having read his works.

    I'm of the belief you've made some really good analysis of some issues with FE7, wether I agree with all of them, or your overall point, or neither. I've never read anything else you've ever posted or discussed here, and I've never read any of your writings. If you're asking people who haven't read everything you've written (Seems like every one but Othin) to take your critique seriously based on the merit of your arguments, you should do the same for others shouldn't you?

  20. On the Sonia subject, can some one explain to me why her fooling Brendan isn't believable? We're given no indication that he knows she's such a bitch evil, and plenty of intelligent men have been blind to the women they lust after's flaws.

  21. to me you can't compair FE1 to FE7.

    there is atleast an 16 or so year differences between when the games were made, and were made for two very different time periods.

    compairing FE1 to FE7 is kinda like compairing Final fantasy 1 to final fanasty 7. they aren't even in the same universe

    I think you're missing something here. Every one here probably respects the Fire Emblem 1 game. I appreciate what it did, and that it started the Fire Emblem franchise, and got it rolling. I can also realize it's gaping flaws while appreciating it. People can have criticisms of things they enjoy. We can compare FE1 and FE7, and it's not an insult at what FE1 has done for the series. Saying that it didn't have a strong plot compared to FE7 takes nothing away from all it's done. I think you're trying to hard to defend something that nobody is attacking.

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