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Posts posted by SMEDIA

  1. I completely agree with you :)

    This probably will backfire because they make the game too easy (let’s say even easier than Sacred Stones)

    I wish that FE would start making the fighter units much more likable. Hell, make one a buff woman that has low self-esteem because people treat her like a man despite her efforts to be feminine.

  2. I’m writing a novel and I need more info on Catholicism. In particular, how a person can go from being an Altar Boy as a child and from there rise up in the ranks to Bishop or Cardinal (or even the Pope himself).

    If anyone can recommend me any books at my library or useful articles online, I would really appreciate it :)

  3. Roy insists on learning magic from Cecilia, but she refuses because she doesn’t want to admit how she absolutely sucks at it compared to Lilina once Lilina gets a few levels and promotes.

    Matthew and Serra; where Hector is screwing with Matthew by ordering Serra to follow him around against his will.

  4. I guess pancakes; I like those chocolate chip waffles that you can find in the freezer section.

    WYR never eat at IHOP again or never eat at Denny’s again (note: I’m originally from California, so I’m not 100% sure that both of these restaurants are in every state)?

  5. Granted, but this confuses some players because they naturally assume when they start playing that giving level ups to those units is a safe bet.

    I wish that it was possible for thieves to steal weapons, but only if the theive’s speed is a huge amount higher than the unit they are trying to steal from (which encourages the player to try and level up a theif for more speed).

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