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Reverse Card

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Everything posted by Reverse Card

  1. So... let's just say I've been working on this a lot. Anyway, here are some changes (there's a lot of them): -Story concept has been scrapped entirely for something a little less cliche. -Some characters are here! -LOTS more lore and some adjustments to said lore. -More details on how guns work -More skills added -A bunch of formulas were added that show how everything interacts with each other stats-wise -More awards and game mode stuff -etc (there's a lot) This is still very much a work in progress, so please take it with a grain of salt; literally everything here is subject to change.
  2. Alright, I just updated a few things: -Name differences for classes based on gender has been dropped. It was a bit unnecessary. -Any character can use any weapon, with restrictions. -Added a section for weapons, game modes and awards.
  3. A while back, I heard about the Castelvania Emblem leak and thought "hey, what if Fire Emblem was put in a setting with guns?" And so this thing came to be. Here's what I have so far: ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/11dIe6k5vtB8Th9THMb5YYHmjXyJUpfvBamYnoDYNXlg/edit?usp=sharing ) Things are still subject to change. (There are some story details and characters I have concepts for, but I'm not confident in sharing them yet.) Thoughts?
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