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Everything posted by Shelf

  1. Well, most of the chapter was me being mauled by arrows and status magic, so I decided after many tries to take it super slow and let them waste their weapons, then I'll slap them with mine. I used Roy, Lilina, Chad and Ellen, Dieck, Lance, Lot, Thany, Rutger and Clarine. I sent Clarine, Lance, Lot and Thany (I love the delphy shield) alone through the east route, using them as bait for the boltings and berserks/ mute staffs. Once those were spent, I moved them closer to the snipers and tried to take them with Lot and a bow, but I couldn't since my bow broke before their ranged healing saffs did. I moved on through the east and got to the upper bishop with that ranged holy magic. During this whole time I was feeding kills to Thany so that she could beat Sue on levels so I'd go with the Pegasus Knight's route, since Sue was easily my best unit and way ahead of everybody else. I actually managed to put Thany ahead of Sue in levels too, just barely, with Thany at lvl9 promoted and Sue at lvl 8. After reaching the easter sniper and shoving my axe on his face, the rest of their units started moving, so I had to move everybody that was back in the start of the stage. I tried to feed those units to Roy, since he was still level 19, but sadly Dieck made honor to his name and took most with counters. I moved the upper units to ake the second sniper, and by then the map was pretty much clear. I gave Roy a holy water for resistance, weakened the boss a bit with Thany, then sent him in for the kill. Sadly it wasn't going to be enough (Dealing like 11 or so with a ranged attack from Joyuese, he had a bit over 20; I wasn't going to double attack either) but to my surprise he died anyway, giving Roy his level 20. Only thing I can think of is that Roy had a full inventory and I was asked to send something to Merlinus when I got the sacred book thing.
  2. Ok, finally beat chapter 16x. After seeing Roy's promotion, the game froze. It went dark and stayed that way no matter what I did. That other guy was ale to finish the game just fine, so I dunno exactly what's going on. Also, I think Joyuse might be broken, as in I one shotted the boss with only one attack when I was only going to deal like 1/3 of his health bar. Dunno if it was a crit, but I didn't have a different animation and it didn'tmake the classic *CRACK* sound of one either.
  3. Sup, me again. Couple of comments. First, I got a weird bug when doing the level C support between Chad and Ellen, as shown on the first attachment. Dnno if it has anything to do with the patch or not. Gladly it was nothing that couldn't be resolved with restarting the game. Second, on 16x, dear god am I being shut down hard. Those 2 snipers with longbows just destroy my guys, and the boss with the berserk staff finishes the job quite nicely, the hundreds of guys with bolting and silence stffs are just the icing of the cake. About the last boss, there's something really wrong when a generic mook half his level has almost double his stats all around. Well, other than that, keep up the good work.
  4. Sup, me again. This time a couple of small observations. First, the pirates are still carrying sea swords, not sure if you said you already fixed that or not. Second, not sure if this one's your fault or not, but the dialog for Lance and Lot's C and A support seems to be the same one or I just had the biggest case of deja vĂ¹ ever. There's also a couple of typos here and there on other supports but, nothing serious. Oh, using Lilina's spellbook while it was at 0 uses did break it, kinda sad to see it go, but eh, at least it's not a real divine weapon. Guess I won't be using that Durandal any time soon though. Keep up the good work, this has been a blast. (Chapter 14 is a pain with so many monks with so many silence/sleep staffs, and the Dragon Lords out of freaking nowhere didn't help either, but I managed)
  5. I actually don't mind the Sleep staffs and Longbows, in fact, I like that crazy range. I don't think I ever had to use a restore staff before, and I have my own longbow to deal with the theirs. Now, the ubermonk on chapter 12 is still there, dunno what's up with that, and the luna drive is back to being indestructible; not sure if that's what you meant to do. Can't tell about the changes on chapter 14 since I haven't been able to make it there.
  6. Hey man, using the shody patch, and I'm still encountering ubermonks. This one is on chapter 12. It seems I have to beat this chapter in 20 turns to be able to go to 12x, but this guy right here is completely ****ing me from doing so (Him, the two longbow users and the two monks with sleep staffs). Also, I know you said you'd make the luna driver not indestructible, but the result is that it's now 0/50, I'm afraid to use since it might break. P.S: Haven't seen a thread on /v/ for the longest time, you actually made me make an account here just so that I could whine a bit about this.
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