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Mitsuru Kirijo

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Posts posted by Mitsuru Kirijo

  1. I think Athena is scum is scum because of the safeguarding it makes no sense otherwise in my mind
    If athena is scum they would've tried to safeguard the kill target right? So it has to die but Athena ended up safeguarding me because he got redirected to me that's why Shin was the nk choice and was such an obv doc target because if things went to plan the doc wouldn't matter Shin would be dead. But because of my role it got ruined.

    It makes no sense for scum me to get safeguarded and someone get redirected to me
    When scum could've safeguarded the kill  and let me redirect someone while the other scum can take the kill
    Case and point I think Athena was caught scum via night actions

    ##Vote Athena

  2. I used mart on conf town Jay. I didn't think they'd blatantly target KTS with my mart  claim because it'd end up killing me and getting a clear so I thought they'd target someone else
    Also I think Athena is scum here after thinking it over I know you're all like "what" but think about it
    I have something I was thinking on over night but I think we have easy scum!

  3. 8 hours ago, Conqueror said:

    Could you explain this more? Since I'm trying to figure out if this is what you were actually trying to do ever since the cop claim or if this is something you just came up with.

    So you were trying to confirm to yourself if KTS was scum via night actions but that would just put you in a 1v1 with KTS in what could have been LYLO, wouldn't it? I think you mentioned you thought KTS was scum - the only reason to let him live would be so he could help poe with an inno as you said in the thread - but in the case you lightning'd him that wouldn't apply at all.

    I think KTS is scum yes but on the off chance he wasn't I felt it'd be an easy chance to get an answer by lynching elsewhere and me testing KTS as I felt I could beat KTS if it ended up being a 1v1 but if he claimed a result on me that would mean he's (most likely) town it turns a 80% of scum to a either 100% chance or an unlikely chance of being scum

    8 hours ago, Conqueror said:

    actually for n4, eury was most likely dead after she caught sb and with our doc dead.

    why would you not lightning a suspect to try and eat the kill so the tracker would live?

    Because I thought she'd be alive to clear me. Visits on dead aren't guilty claims unlike the roleblock  was I thought getting myself clear was more important

    8 hours ago, Conqueror said:

    or rather, why would you lightning the person who's most likely dead the next day?

    I didn't expect Eury to die mostly because she was still under heat and I've been in games where scum bus like that. I didn't think she'd outright die like that

  4. N1: Nada

    N2: Lighting Athena (*shrug*)
    N3: Mart Shin 
    N4: Lighting Eury (I wanted to prove myself to Eury as they'd track me)
    I wanted to claim vanilla at first as I didn't think I was getting lynched and since KTS was gonna cop bald I could simply mart the action onto myself and get cop checked and prove if KTS was lying or not if he claimed a cop check on anyone besides myself he was guilty if he claimed it on me that made more sense

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