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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Look who I found trolling the Mega Man 10 boards on GFAQs! http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/user.php?board=981300&topic=53960968&user=5613395
  2. Ninji is now venturing the Lake of Ragequit.
  3. Did you play the Japanese Blue? If not, it's not complete.
  4. Yeah. Best boss fight is the Zero Prototype.
  5. So guys, I've been playing Mega Man 10. The special stage bosses are probably the Rockman Killers/Mega Man Hunters. Which means Ninji is Enker.
  6. Safari on the Mac is decent. But on Windows, it sucks badly.
  7. No. Fatigue system made units like Glade suck less.
  8. No, I'm used to FE5's awesomeness. FE5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FE7
  10. *Gouges Ninji's eyes out and shoves them down Ninji's throat*
  11. FE5's difficulty needs to return. Hard 5 in FEDS not counting.
  12. Nightmare got quite a few of them. Also throw in the Adblock Plus Element hider, Coral IETab (Yet another reason not to use plain old vanilla IE. )
  13. There's also a distinct lack of Konqueror. Methinks Crash knows not of what Linux is.
  14. I don't facepalm because I take nothing they say seriously. Heck, I'm just shoving my knowledge into CG's face in the Web Browser tier topic. Admittedly, it's not much. I only have a basic grasp over that stuff. But I do know that IE is shit.
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