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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Maybe that's going a bit too hard on him for now. He likes Kempf, but hates "Bitchtar". I doubt he'll ever see the light. He likes Kempf because he thinks that Kempf is a better boss(He doesn't show remorse, but just sees "black"). He seems to hate Ishtar because she doesn't have a black/white vision and isn't evil towards Celice's amry like the others Do we really need HIM fapping over Ishtar? >_>
  2. I don't hate you. I just have a dislike of you. Because hate over the internet is pointless. Plus, your reactions make me giggle.
  3. Um... something deeper than that. She cried a bit too. >_> SOMEBODY CALL THE WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMBULANCE!
  4. Gohto-0 Est- -9999 Jeigan-0 Abel-0 Cain-0 Nyna-0 Athos-0 Nino- -9999 Marcus-0 Sain-0 Kent-0 Farina-0 Seth-0 L'arachel-0 Kyle-0 Forde-0 Elincia-0 Oscar-0 Kieran-0 Titania-0 Naesala-0 Tibarn-0 giffca-0 Volke-0 Pelleas- -9999 Kurthnaga- -9999 Lehran-0 Sothe-0 You lost THE GAME.
  5. I'm gonna venture to guess that the reason you aren't liked is because...well, to be blunt, a moron.
  6. Explain. RSE's gym leader theme not fails to properly set the mood of an important battle, but also fails as a composition itself. RSE's soundtrack is rather poor, as a whole. This has nothing to do with nostalgia, since I like 4th gen's tracks. This. Plus, every battle theme sounds the same to me. Well, except for the Regis and the Weather Trio. Otherwise, they're all the same. It's boring. Also, third gen chose awful sound samples. And the GBA is capable of far better. See Golden Sun for example. Weather Trio battle is a decent remix of a Pulseman song, so I like. :D Original version from Pulseman.
  7. Levin IS in FE5 though :) I mean as a playable Holesty user. Why didn't Levin die at the Battle of Barahara. Because Manfloy RNG raped him AFTER.
  8. All Holy Weapons x Julius OTP? Didn't see that one. Cuan/Trabant Beowulf/Finn Cuan/Finn Travant/Cuan Ethlin/Cuan Finn/Lachesis Lachesis/Everyone Everyone/Azel Azel//b/ etc. Celes/Julius. OTP.
  9. Which RP are you reading now? : D Page 600-620 ish Mispairing people, and since there are RP's they take offense. =P I forgot which one is that... Nice. Semarang and Bali, eh? I see. Waaaaaaaaaaaaa, I want to go to Japan. ;__; You guys mispaired Finn, Trabant, and a crapload more. Since that happened all the RP's started to mispair other people. XD OH, that. lol We've done other stuff. Ishtar/Arthur and Ishtar/Aless, for example. :P
  10. So tomorrow, (Or rather, later today), I'm gonna get myself an Arceus from Toys R Us. Fun stuff.
  11. I hear it's more difficult. So it might be like how Lost Levels was in that sense. At least from the footage I've seen. Gotta love the fact the game was leaked.
  12. As always. Moreso than usual, I mean. :( I'm upset. Not related to FE4 Thread. And what's bothering me is that I don't know why I'm upset. It just started recently. Do tell your problems. We might be able to help. I can't. I mean, if I don't even know what is upsetting me, it's kinda hard to talk about it. I'll try to sort this out on my own. If I can't, but I figure out what is upsetting me, I'll open up.
  13. As always. Moreso than usual, I mean. :( I'm upset. Not related to FE4 Thread. And what's bothering me is that I don't know why I'm upset. It just started recently.
  14. No, it's not that. I'm pretty stressed lately actually. :( And I'm not even sure why.
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