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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Months ago. All. Misread. Never. There we go. Your group chats are usually sick. That's why. Sounds like I'm not missing much then.
  2. It's been resting for awhile now. Compare the activity this time last year to now. This thread's first anniversary is a month and half from now. Well shit, that's awesome. I don't think I even really showed up until like...January or so. I know it had to have been when we were still in triple digits. 'Course, with the search function as it is, I can't really check. :\ Marthur might know, since he's making a FE4 THREAD folder. Oh damn, I just noticed why that Gardevoir's Shadow Ball damage was so pathetic. I didn't expect Ghost to be a physical type. Although I should have known, as I've read before that Dragon was the only special type without an Eevee evolution. Gen III I see. And he might. All I know for certain is that my activity peaked, and I mean really peaked when Fia name-changed to Ishtar. Was playing some Emerald until yesterday. 3rd gen is the one I like the least, though. I blame the shitty soundtrack and stupid pokes. Although Tropius, you're the best HM slave ever. I like the Groudon/Kyogre battle music for being a remix of a Pulseman song. Otherwise, spot on.
  3. It's been resting for awhile now. Compare the activity this time last year to now. This thread's first anniversary is a month and half from now. Well shit, that's awesome. I don't think I even really showed up until like...January or so. I know it had to have been when we were still in triple digits. 'Course, with the search function as it is, I can't really check. :\ Marthur might know, since he's making a FE4 THREAD folder. Oh damn, I just noticed why that Gardevoir's Shadow Ball damage was so pathetic. I didn't expect Ghost to be a physical type. Although I should have known, as I've read before that Dragon was the only special type without an Eevee evolution. Gen III I see. And he might. All I know for certain is that my activity peaked, and I mean really peaked when Fia name-changed to Ishtar.
  4. It's been resting for awhile now. Compare the activity this time last year to now. This thread's first anniversary is a month and half from now. Well shit, that's awesome. I don't think I even really showed up until like...January or so. I know it had to have been when we were still in triple digits. 'Course, with the search function as it is, I can't really check. :\
  5. It's been resting for awhile now. Compare the activity this time last year to now.
  6. I once survived two attacks in a row from the first encounter against Barubary. First attack of mine did 1 damage. Second got a crit and did TWO damage.
  7. That's a funny way of spelling Arum.
  8. Anyone that tries to argue otherwise is stupid. You're my hero.
  9. Meg. Due to her size, she warms more of the bench. :P
  10. And because she's shit. Her bases suck. She's a crappy unit in a freaking game where the other teams pack broken monstrosities. Truer words haven't been spoken.
  11. And it's not even true. You can't deny what you are, and what you'll always be. No, I am not fatalistic either. Oh yeah? :P Yeah. Because you have hawts for 'em and Ishtar We really don't need CG fapping over any FE4 character. So drop it, Soul. ...Wow, I'm defending CG. Boy have I hit a low. :\
  12. :> Still scarred by Bipolar!Tinny I see.
  13. Your lovey-dovey shit has made me forget how to stir up some mayhem. Damn you. OH FOR FUCK! DAMN THIS.
  14. Best Empire Thread out of them all. Kudos, FE3 Player. Kudos.
  15. Poser. I've been using those settings since I signed up.
  16. I thought I killed them all. One was waiting when she went to grab the Guiding Ring. lol
  17. Well, Omega was more difficult in ZX. More agressive, actually used his 7 hit combo like a madman (Unlike in Zero 3 where it was more rare, I think), and one of his attacks actually healed him that time go round.

  18. Use a higher amount of posts per page.
  19. ...No. Red and Green had the SAME sheets. ...Seriously? I thought they had separate sheets... You thought wrong. The only time "Paired" versions had separate sheets was Gold and Silver. Considering I stopped at Gold and Silver, that actually explains something... Apparently, Crystal's Pokemon sprites were actually animated instead of just portraits. O.o;
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