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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Screw Kira. He got nothing on Super Asia. CAN KIRA PUNCH SKYSCRAPERS OUT OF THE GROUND? I DON'T THINK SO!
  2. But you're the prince. Shouldn't you take charge? =o I'm more like Knight in Shining Armor~ Oh... In that case, will you carry me off into the sunset? Please~ As you wish~ *carries* My hero~ <3 *Chokes*
  3. Kingdom Hearts is shit. And they raped Setzer. That's enough to gain my ire.
  5. I always notice Megaman quotes. I kno, rite?
  6. And it seems like I scared off CG for a while. Thanks to your methods. You're no hero. [/Zero]
  7. I'd say Goombas are tougher than Ninjis, but Ninjis jump so they actually can be a threat. ...At least the Ninjis that move. The ones that jump in place are wimps. Like our Ninji. :P
  8. Sety. Do you just stay invisible on AIM or are you off right now? At the moment, I'm off.
  9. Welcome Haru. Chances are, you'll never leave the thread now. By that, I mean you'll post every once in awhile. FE4 THREAD always brings back some people...except for the banned ones.
  10. I had no idea you actually joined after I showed you that topic, Haru. XD Well, welcome to the forest.
  12. I bought it when I was on a trip in Japan. Also, I don't have a flash cart. And I didn't NEED save states or arena abuse. Lugh Level 20/20 HP: 36 Mag: 23 Skill: 28 Speed: 25 Luck: 19 Defense: 9 Res: 22 A Support with Chad. C Support with Ellen. C Support with Ray. No stat boosting items were used on him. S-Anima rank. D-Staff rank. Boo ya. Lugh for life.
  13. I didn't have the option to use save states in FE6. Cartridge FTW.
  14. ...Ninji has an avatar of Chaos Gamma. His sig is E-102 Gamma. WTF. Chaos Gamma isn't E-102.
  15. I am going to fucking murder you, then throw your bloody and beaten corpse to the dogs. The Ninji and Shy Guy war shall not be won by the Shy Guys! Heil Ninji! Heil Ninji! *Throws a Snifit at Ninji*
  16. Don't you people know that Ninjis are an endangered species?! *Throws Juliette into Birdo*
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