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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. There definitely were times it did. Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy1MYiruXDg
  2. I feel insulted, yet welcome at the same time. =o That's how you should feel. Insulted enough to try to better your cluelessness but proud enough to not be disliked like Crash.
  3. Lux is clueless. But he's not dislike-able, like Crash is.
  4. Do you see Marthur here? No? No folder for you at this point.
  5. Capital O. ....so did CG just lock himself in another shitstorm? I might have pushed him a little in there. I'll be soon sending a pretty folder to: TheEnd Fia Musashi Pride Sirius Chainey Cyas Seph Rei Dio DLV Chalis If I've forgotten anyone, please tell me. *Raises hand*
  6. It's not that bad. I'm not an awesome dancer but I'm far from being the worst. It is that bad. I don't like dancing. Never have.
  7. That's Tiki's man. He's a one-Manakete guy. ...Unless hes also seeing Nagi.
  8. ...Someone get the Valkyrie Staff.
  9. Fae's talking in the third person too much.
  10. No, because I don't. I don't see why you think I do. -_- It's the Mist bullshit all over again One trick phony. >_>
  11. I know this, I was taking your words out of context to help myself, lilke you do with me. Stop trying to cover up your lack of reading comprehension please. I don't think you do. I know you do. However, I'd rather you believe in your delusions in this case. You fapping over FE4 characters = Do not want.
  12. No, I was refferring to the bit about his avatar not sitting right. -_- I know this is beating a dead horse but... You're an idiot. If Fia had the avatar, it'd be fine with me. Now start admitting that you like Ishtar.
  13. Not happening. THEN YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME! BUAHAHAHAHAHA!! ... Schwartz Bruder.
  14. >:D DLV, when you come back on, listen to this man! ...Clueless as always. Oh well, you're basically saying you like Ishtar, seeing as I'm biased TOWARD Fia!Ishtar. Earlier FE4 thread stuff. Good times.
  15. Make him not use save-states. I need entertainment on par with Ninji!FE5.
  16. ...Sorry DLV, but you with an Ishtar avatar just doesn't sit right with me. Blame the fact I'm biased toward Fia!Ishtar.
  17. Start playing the baseline for "You foolish soldiers". Ardan would appreciate it.
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