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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Just do something akin to Mecha-Yuria chasing Julius. Except with Celes. :P He's a maso after all, so he'll play hard to get.
  2. You heard it here first. Fia demands it. :3
  3. *BZZ* Wrong answer. *Barhara crushes Nini. Again*
  4. As I said, thread needs moar Celes x Nini yuri. Y/Y?
  5. Thread needs moar Celes x Nini yuri. Y/Y?
  6. She's not the Empress of Barhara. Barhara's the Empress of her.
  7. Verdict is guilty. Luckily, your punishment is to spend time with your true love. RELEASE THE LOVE! *Barhara crushes *Loves* on Ninji*
  8. Oh ho ho ho... Someone call Miles Edgeworth.
  9. Hence why his bones go *Crunch*. It's obvious who wears the pants in that relationship.
  10. Barhara makes your bones go *CRUNCH*. Are you deaf, stupid thing-child?
  11. I like Barhara x Ninji OTP. Big building crushes little weak Ninji and makes his bones go *Crunch*.
  12. I am satisfied. I think he does. :>
  13. But I like hearing his pleas for help from the bin prior to his deletion... :(
  14. Hm. Crapware returned onto my computer. Let's fix that... *Deletes* *Empties recycle bin* AWESOME! Now I have 100 more MB free! It's a pity the crapware was so bloated.
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