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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. "Are you blind?" -- Severa upon protecting someone while paired up. That's Olivia's arm that is up getting hit by Expiration.
  2. Original topic was a trolling attempt against Rey. Then it got locked. He posted again. It got locked. He posted yet again, got locked. Got suspended. Now he's doing it again.
  3. THE FRUIT SHALL SMITE THE FILTH. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8wO9asAXsI
  4. Gim-Lewis is filth. Merkabah told me so. Enjoy being smitten. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8wO9asAXsI
  5. Nthx. I'll still say fuck being orange. JUICE THEM. JUICE THEM ALL AND THEN DUMP OUT THE JUICE.
  6. "You're an eyesore!" "HAHAHAHAHAH!"
  7. Also fuck being orange. The Umad King does not approve.
  8. I don't always like oranges... But when I do, they're tangerines!
  9. The fanbase. The games have gotten significantly better.
  10. Grima: *Dies to everything and anything even in DLC* Masakado: "Oh, you don't have Pierce skills? Yeah, I gonna fuck you up"
  11. Best I could find until there's a clean rip or an OST.
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