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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. No sign of spotpass stuff yet though. Odd.
  2. The Japanese have a different culture than those in the US though. So there's likely reasons for it, as much as we don't like the listing. Just saying is all.
  3. It's not new news. I found out yesterday. But the more you know~
  4. Moonrunes. Moonrunes everywhere. But eh. At least we get three new maps today. 2 DLC. One free. Fuck yeah.
  5. She was a very...interesting Sylvia back in the day. :3
  6. That sniper got shot by another sniper, who got shot by yet another sniper. It's an endless loop, like those this thread thrives on.
  7. Ike takes more after Alm, really. Alm did the tough guy act long before Ike was ever thought of. Also, Sigurd exudes more manliness. dat chin.
  8. Marth's Shadow Dragon art says hi. He's probably the most well liked because he's the first FE Lord. And prior to Awakening, the best selling FE was Mystery of the Emblem. Also, Ike is more boring than Roy. I said it.
  9. It is. A pity her personality is...eh.
  10. >Roy >Above Sigurd What the flying fuck? I can see how he beats Ike, seeing as he's boring, but Sigurd? Wow. Just wow.
  11. ...I really don't like Ike, so this will be very satisfying for me. >:D
  12. We're very likely getting Lost Bloodlines 3 and only 3.
  13. LP Curse = Murphy's Law. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
  14. Hey. Hey guys. I just made Walhart a Dread Fighter. Come at me.
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