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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Based on what I've read with the hot springs convo he has with Emm, I can't hate him.
  2. I only mention it every so often. ...I still found Ninji more amusing than Rey.
  3. Scramble probably means hurrying to action. I mean, don't risen show up during the Scramble maps?
  4. Rey = Boko. Because Boko is best Chocobo.
  5. The name of it in other games is pretty much "Legend of the Divine Dragon". I'm ignoring FE7's name
  6. I BEAT THE FIVE ANNA FIREFIGHT AND GOT CATRIA. :D Boy was it tough, but I did it. Galeforce is a lifesaver as are decent fliers. Pair-up is helpful too.
  7. I BEAT THE FIVE ANNA FIREFIGHT AND GOT CATRIA. :D Boy was it tough, but I did it. Galeforce is a lifesaver as are decent fliers. Pair-up is helpful too.
  8. Welp, I beat the Five Anna Firefight. But I lost 3 Annas while doing so. I suck. I reaaaaaaaaaally suck.
  9. Actually, it was FE6 music. FE7's legendary inheritance song is better.
  10. Holy christ this map is hard. The five anna firefight I mean. I like it!
  11. I'm not TE. So I'm not good at it.
  12. Friend or friend? My my, would Annie approve?
  13. I've been to Japan. Come at me bro.
  14. So EarthBound is hitting the US Wii U VC. Ayanami is never gonna shut up about it now.
  15. Eh, not the first time this has happened.
  16. I agree with this. Melodrama won't get things fixed any sooner people. Just chill.
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