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Posts posted by Shattiel

  1. 1 minute ago, weinerboy said:

    OK pretend im wittle baby new player what is MI doing that still makes him a good wagon? I got a big heart when it comes to this game sometimes and I feel like the dude is genuinely trying

    Nah I actually had marth as town I don't remember why.

    Omega or Marth isn't w/w for sure and many people voted marth last day including yolo so yolo/marth is good wagon/counterwagon

  2. 15 minutes ago, weinerboy said:

    Feeling less impressed with Shinori as time goes on, but don't really need to reiterate that thought. There's a lot of brief comments being made by multiple people that don't really have all that much meat to but I'm kinda liking it because people aren't afraid to say what they want to which is a welcome change than playing a game where everyone holds their cards and the best they got is like two pair

    I don't know what to think about Red Ryu or his direction but I don't like that he's in perpetual catch-up mode, and there seems to be a minor block forming on him. Earlier in the thread he called attention to something relating to Naana and then never followed up on it, so I don't know if he's just swamped with this type of hyperposting that is been going on or if he's just gonna freeze. I'd be willing to hop onto that if he does however

    AM is fine, I think this type of posting is what he does and the way he ebbs and flows with certain things is refreshing in a way, I think he might be a player who is more prone to stronger levels of inactivity if he's wolf/scum/notthetownhoylfuckihatetthis and he'd be more than welcome to just sit on his hands and do nothing after what happened with AM, but he didn't.

    JC was ??? but for the most part I like his direction, when I posed the question of hypocrisy when it came to Ichigo he responded in a way that really surprised in a good way, I totally expected him to buckle but instead he was rolling with the punches.

    Gorf is town, his bullheadedness about marshy is not something he'd risk as scum, in-fact I'd go further to say that people underestimate scumGorf much like I have in that he is far more calculated and pre-planned. Gorf gained nothing firing at marshy like that and in some ways I do agree with him only I am really stubborn and cautious about my marshy read cause I dunno I like playing with marshy and he's a hard read for me unless it's done on my terms

    LaserGuy is a type of player where I read his post, acknowledge it, and then not really think about it after reading said post. Not a slight against him I just don't think what he's saying has a lot of oomph and that may be more detrimental as to how I read him later in the phase.

    Refa is still town, I have confidence he'll fire back eventually even if he didn't like my reasoning on some players, it's cool just peep this one if you got issues

    I'm liking your recent output of posts, I think some players were being too hard on you, so they're gonna have to try harder to convince me what you were doing earlier was wolf.

    Would like to Naana develop more with regards to Ryu and that theory I crafted earlier about dya because well I wrote that post and if she has more to say about it (though I'm not sure if he will) then I'm all ears

    Basically: Ryu/Ichigo block is fine. Peeping Shinori who is on Omega block, need to not filter out Shatt's posts in my mind to develop a read further.


    You can filter out my posts I'm actually IC I'll claim after I hammered scum

  3. On 20/06/2018 at 3:33 AM, Donald Trump said:

    i tend to abstain from reading omega because his playstyle is less AI and more mood indicative. for toDay, id say null with the slightest lean town villa because of his approach to the game, but im more inclined to look elsewhere for toDay.

    elemina started the Day off being as inconsequentially "productive" (note the quotes) as one can be in early Day and then ghosted. his early wolfy read was trash and p much all of his questions were dead end interactions. meta aside, that screams "look at what im doing dont i look like im playing the game well guys?" then he p much ghosted from that point so that was what i was left with, and was letting my read be contingent on a return to thread, and wouldnt you know it, he came into thread and made a lolworthy assertion of finding the scumteam like hes kuz but hes not, but you know how to read so you can see my post on that. but seeing how he came about that and the direction he took it, at this point in the game i find it hard to believe that scum pulls that move so boldly when he knows there are haters out there on him. its like way too bold imo, and makes him have to be extremely accountable. can i believe it as scum!elemina? sure i guess but thats a stretch. so if its him or a hard townread on the line ill vote him but im p apathetic about his lynch at this point. id rather see how his game develops after he finds out hes wrong.

    or hes right and were all stupid amirite

    btw if were gonna go so hard on meta and being appalled at the meta mistake, dawg youve seen me play for years and you know as scum my ass aint gettin got on D1 you really think you got me like that?


    Probably a scum between Trump/Omega

    On 20/06/2018 at 3:44 AM, Refa said:

    You can't just cockblock all of my scumreads and ditch without leaving anything on the table.

    Refa can be town for this

    On 20/06/2018 at 4:09 AM, dyachei said:

    at least 1 wolf here: (4) Donald Trump: Magnificence Incarnate, LaserGuy, Omega., Refa

    MI/Omega good wagons for today

  4. 6 minutes ago, Omega. said:

    Shatt, you were complaining D1 about the game not being spicy enough for you.

    Yet, your wolfreads are me and Naana. Literally the least spiciest wolfreads anyone can have right now, and that's ignoring the fact that Naana and I are never wolfbros here based on interactions that anyone who didn't just start playing yesterday can see.

    What are your other takes? You ain't got nothin' spicy for me?

    Nah man I don't even remember any of the low posters posts plus I haven't finished reading that eod yet

  5. On 6/20/2018 at 6:59 AM, Iris said:

    (1) Red RyuMello
    (1) Donald Trump: Magnificence Incarnate
    (1) ShinoriEvanManManMan
    (1) JohnCarterAnimal Midwife
    (5) Naanamoonbird, manti, Elemina, Shinori, Red Ryu
    (5) Animal Midwifedyachei, JohnCarterDonald Trump, Ryanyb, Alpha Male
    (5) Magnificence IncarnateSB., Refa, NaanaOmega., Orihime
    (1) Omega.Shattiel
    (1) IchigoLaserGuy
    (1) moonbirdIchigo

    (2) Not Voting: Fable, weinerboy

    With 24 alive, it takes 16 to hammer or the person with the most votes at deadline will be lynched. You have ~3 hours until deadline at 6/19, 10 pm EDT

    Tbh Naana/Marth's wagon looks equally bad but Naana is scum

  6. 1 minute ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

    This is actually a v good question and that's shady af. 


    Anyway to respond to you,  I don't see naana as locktown but how does a naana vote now change anything?  They'll respond similarly to how they did d1, if we don't have anything conclusive then they're a good lynch today.  


    What do you think of my case on Sb? 


    ##Vote: @SB.

    Then don't call me scum for being in his wagon it's an insult to the locktown me

  7. 13 minutes ago, LaserGuy said:

    Ryan made a decent effort replacing in, landed squarely on scum wagon. It was 5 votes Naana, 4 votes MI, 3 votes AMW when Ryan put the vote on AMW. Unlikely timing for a bus vote.

    Shattiel looks wolfiest on the Naana wagon and was pushing it pretty hard.

    Dud you can talk about whos the wolfiest in naana's wagon if he flip v

  8. 5 minutes ago, Omega. said:

    Naana's thoughts behind why and how he's reached his wolf and villa reads are internally consistent. What I'm telling you is that as a wolf, his focus is usually more narrowed on shitting on villagers with a lot of effort into antispew. All of his reads make sense and they're loose and changing enough that it's way likelier he's a villager progressing through reads naturally as opposed to a wolf where his wolfgame is more static in approach.

    After being wrong with AM you're not gonna think twice about your naana read?

  9. 2 hours ago, Shinori said:

    Yo seriously real quick.

    Naana wasn't a counter wagon.


    Followed by Shat, JC, and Elemina.

    We 4 people were the main people pushing Naana all day day 1.  There were a couple of random hop ons near EoD but I do not classify that as a counter wagon.

    Especially since it was all still based on our arguments.  The only way it's made as a counterwagon to save AM is if one or 2 of the 4 people listed up above are scum.  Otherwise the Naana wagon would never have even started.

    I didn't follow you though :P

    mine was meta

  10. 1 hour ago, Omega. said:

    Gorf, I voted you because you deserved it. You were shitting on Ran. It was unbelievably bad, and I make no apologies for it. If you want me to leave you alone don't push obvious villagers fool.

    The other person I pushed was Marth. That was fine. I never pushed SB or Refa. I engaged with them both, but never called either a wolf. As for Marth not being here, so the fuck what? Not my problem dude. By that logic, let's just bring Marth to LYLO if he's going to lowpost. I don't care how active someone is; if I have a problem with their posting I'ma swag on 'em.

    As for AM, I did ignore her. Who gives a fuck if AM was a wolf here? She never goes deep. She never fools anyone for a long period of time. If she's a wolf, she probably just outs herself and we can worry about that shit later. I was worrying about wolves who push obvious villagers (like you pushing Ran, though I'm kind of leaning villager on you now) or whatever. Yes, misreading Ran is trash. Why won't you acknowledge this Gorf? Why won't you acknowledge that we have played with Ran over the course of fucking years and the fact that he is NEVER mislynched on SWF. Like dude, it's not hard to follow why I'd take issue with that at all.


    2 hours ago, Naana said:

    holy tits I posted twice without thinking and got ninjad by multiple walls.  This is unironically a good game.


    2 hours ago, Naana said:

    woah shinori stopped tunneling the freest town thinker onto the second most free one.  That's cool with me.

    Naana obviously got problems with his posting whu are you ignoring him?

  11. 1 hour ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

    I know you told me to respond to Sb's case on me but he hasn't openly challenged any of my reads in the catch up post.  Just said that he couldn't follow any of my reads, that's not something to respond to.  If you have a specific post that I need to respond to then quote it. 


    I don't want to lynch omega mostly because I'm familiar with his thought process but some of the things he has done this game check out with his town  meta of taking stances,  like the way he treats gorf and I. I've talked to him outside of the game about his style outside of sf and its not a surprise to me that he's playing differently from how he usually plays on sf.


    I wouldn't vote naana today because he was presented as a counter wagon to midwife, but his actions in he thread reek of scum intent, people who are defending him really need to explain why they're coming from town instead of scum because tring him without an explanation gives you a pass on your reads.


    I wouldn't lynch Refa ever because I don't see scum hopping on the midwife train after the slip and then backing off 1 hour before deadline to start a counterwagon. Why would scum ever do this apart from WIFOM? 


    Sb is scum imo. Basically my issue is that he avoids having much of a say on naana /midwife,  town reads both of them, has problems with the way Dya approaches her read on naana, but votes omega because he's not playing to his usual meta?  Also case on me is bad because he never directly addresses any of my reads but says that he can't follow my reads. Gorf is one of my biggest points into the game yet he never takes a stance on my gorf case.  It takes midwife slipping for him to vote them so this really feels like scum just taking the backseat while avoiding anything to do with midwife. 



    Ichigo is scummy for similar reasons as he tried to push omega and I opposed to the midwife wagon with very little reasoning but I'm more confident in my Sb read ATM. 


    For scum on the naana wagon I'd pick shatiel and red ryu as most likely wolves but I haven't seen a lot from them to have anything concrete. In shatiel's case he tried the omega turbo earlier so that's a point against him. 

    I'm feeling confident in one or two scum bussing midwife early on given that few people really opposed a midwife lynch but I'm going to hold those to myself until later in the phase,  I want to see more from the midwife voters. 


    Can someone give me a tldr on the reads on Evan?  I haven't felt like anything of his play screams town but give me some meta on the guy. 







    I'm still trying the omega thing

    If you think Naana is scummy then vote him pussy a counter wagon to a scum isn't locktown

  12. 1 hour ago, Donald Trump said:


    im yolo, id rather badtalk people who read me as scum because why entertain it


    im yolo, id rather try my best to let time mull this over and strike in a different way


    im yolo, i never acknowledge flipped scum but its not a scum tell if i do it, only if you do it


    im yoloswag! i flex, but as scum only if its not against my rolecop scummate!


    I thought wolfy subbed out

  13. On 20/06/2018 at 6:59 AM, Iris said:

    (1) Red RyuMello
    (1) Donald Trump: Magnificence Incarnate
    (1) ShinoriEvanManManMan
    (1) JohnCarterAnimal Midwife
    (5) Naanamoonbird, manti, Elemina, Shinori, Red Ryu
    (5) Animal Midwifedyachei, JohnCarterDonald Trump, Ryanyb, Alpha Male
    (5) Magnificence IncarnateSB., Refa, NaanaOmega., Orihime
    (1) Omega.Shattiel
    (1) IchigoLaserGuy
    (1) moonbirdIchigo

    (2) Not Voting: Fable, weinerboy

    With 24 alive, it takes 16 to hammer or the person with the most votes at deadline will be lynched. You have ~3 hours until deadline at 6/19, 10 pm EDT

    @Naana btw how'd you went to voting with me on Omega to voting with him on marth?

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