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Everything posted by Exozinx

  1. Say, how do you reset if you get a friend ally you don't need? I've keep hearing of it but had no idea how it's done, any advice? What's the problem with that?
  2. Based on this forum and you could already assume 90% of the players treat this as a popularity contest.
  3. It would be fun if something like "Gun"nthrá happen again. Looks like it's a battle between protagonists and anti-protagonists. I guess this is one of the voting gauntlets with the least salts as many have more than one preference. Who win doesn't matter, as long as you get to support who u like most...and seeing flags fly all over the place. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
  4. My hopes are rejected. Oh well, nice try I guess. Now hopping to team Gunnthrá to prevent another male winner.( I mean it)
  5. I won't be able to support Ike to the end tommorow so I'm counting on you guys to secure his win. Hope I get to see the extra 500 feathers when I reopen. Best of luck and thanks a bunch~
  6. The predictor in reddit is really unstable, but most of the time it indicates that Gunnthrá will get the last multiplier. Not exactly the 7.5 one, maybe 7.3 or 7.4, then it's same hell. Anyways, if anyone needs colourless you could add me : 0111664052 (easy right?) I currently have Ninjabit (Spring Kagero) as my lead. But I'm sure most of you already have me in your friend list because I added every single person that is in Ike team in this forum. (Your leads are so awesome) I don't specifically merge any unit so the most i have is a +3(Lilina and PA!Inigo, I just can't get a PA!Azura). But i do have a variety of units, so if you want i could also throw in a W!Tharja. May Ike triumph!!
  7. Now temporary away from mental breakdown. You guys as Ike supporters are the best.
  8. I just wanted to say, thank god for letting me live to this day. Team Ike, now we hold fire.
  9. Just woke up and i am praying so badly. These few minutes are full of anxiety. Come on Team Ike, don't trigger that multiplier.
  10. Omg plz let Ike win. He is basically the only pillar I have left before a mental breakdown. I don't really care about other characters in this VG, and I'm having a rough time this few weeks, so i can only place my bets on him. Ike is the most wonderful character I've met in the franchise. I want him to be the character that oppose the saying "No one stays as a winner forever". I'm just being overly desperate. Nevermind, for now I can only hope for the best. (The predicament in Reddit is killing me) Though i have to say, I'm glad I'm so desperate for Ike that I used up all my orbs in his legendary banner so i have a spare that helps me get lvl 1 opponents in this round.
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