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Everything posted by Joshua

  1. Basically, i'm writing a fanfic, and I thought i'd see what you all think of it. Critiscism is completely wecome, and encouraged. The pairing is Nephenee x Lyre, and the Chapter Structure goes: Every chapter alternates, for example:~ Chapter 0: Battle Chapter 1: Camp/Base Chapter 2: Battle etc. Here it is: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_st.php/154992/ No dirty things yet, but there will be at about Chapter 6.
  2. So, do you have any in-jokes which make you chuckle when X character appears on-screen? Or when X xharacter battles with a certain unit type? I've got quite a few: 1. Pikachu is in Fire Emblem. (Joke from the Official Nintendo magazine review of Brawl. There's a sort of family tree and Pikachu's line goes through Ike's profile, so my friend said: "LOOK! PIKACHU'S IN FIRE EMBLEM!" 2. Nephenee is a lesbian. (This one's based on when I made Nephenee and Lyre have an A support. That's also what I based my NepheneexLyre fanfic on...) 3. Whenever you kill an enemy, they're kneeing down to propose to your character, not because they're dead. 4. Vika is a prostitute. (I don't actually know when we came up with this one, but we find it funny. X D) 5. Nolan likes gay sex. (Again, I don't know how I came up with this one. But I PISSED myself laughing when Nolan attacked my Arch Sage Ilyana, and I said "Look how stupid Nolan is. He is SCREWED." My friend shouts: "Nolan likes gay sex." I laughed and said; "Who with?" He said: "Boyd.") 6. Shinon is actually a woman. 7. Meg is the "Destroyer of Worlds." ( When both me and my friend played through FE: RD, we COULDN'T train up Meg. So we just take the piss out of her now.) I think that's all of them... Post yours here too, if you have any.
  3. I dunno. On each of my playthroughs, I used each of them. Moulder turned out better for me in the end, though. Plus, I prefer him as a character. I only used Natasha because I remembered she could get a special ending with Joshua. >.<
  4. : D I only used Josh. He was so much stronger than Marisa at that point. And he maxed out on everything at a LVL 13 Swordmaster. X3
  5. The fact that there were no real support conversations annoyed me. But the fact anybody could support anyone else was pretty good, I guess. Master Crowns really annoyed me. You get a Master Seal - type effect, which is practically useless, because you can just upgrade your characters through levelling up. AND YOU CAN'T SELL THEM!!
  6. Hey! I'm Matt. Call me either Joshua or Matt, whatever. As you can guess, my favourite character is Joshua. I'm quite handy with Graphic Editing programmes, so I can make some pretty good Avs/sigs. (I made my avatar.) Well! See you around the forums, guys!
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