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Solanum Tuberosum

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Posts posted by Solanum Tuberosum

  1. How about instead of just a League of Legends subforum, we could have an Online Games subforum.

    Each thread in the forum could be tagged with the game the OP wants to discuss, say, something like this.

    [League of Legends] Patch 76.4 WTF PINGU IS SO OP


    [RuneScape] Jesus Christ, I can't believe Jagex has been run by bots the entire time!

  2. Same old, same old. Just more boring and lazier. I'm doing something about it though. Yours?

    a little more exciting now! still a bunch of video games and internet and all that good stuff

    Did she sparkle and blush when you told her how you feel?

    i had to tell her 3 times because she didn't hear me the first two times because i was talking too fast


    i guess she looked surprised


    i just felt like posting about it online somewhere ~_~

    What skills will your Morgan inherit? Oh wait wrong thread....

    I can't even play Awakening :(:( Don't have a 3DS D: )

  3. (By the way... the BBT is just a theory.)

    You seem to be applying the layman's definition of a theory. "In common, everyday language when you have a theory it means you simply have a guess. It doesn't have to be supported by evidence or fact." In everyday conversation, one would equate a "theory" to a "guess". For example, 'I have a theory on why so-and-so is dating who' and 'I have a guess on why so-and-so is dating who' can be used interchangeably.

    A theory, in science, has been tested and looked over many, many times by numerous individuals and groups in order to verify it's authenticity. A theory, in science, is held by the majority of scientists to be the strongest idea backed by facts and reasoning. Simply dismissing the BBT as a "theory" is hogwash, because the word "theory" can mean very different things in different contexts. If the BBT was called the Big Bang Hypothesis (scientific term for "a guess"), you'd be right in your dismissal of it. However, as it is, the BBT is not simply a "theory", it has a strong case for it throughout the multitude of studies that have been done in order to seek out our origins.

  4. I know those were old school games (I can tell about when by the damage you're doing with Q)

    But whenever you jungle Ezreal it's imperative you keep his passive stacks up, Q over walls, e over them, etc. your clear is actually semi respectable with full passive stacks.

    oh yeah i know haha i was re-watching it and cringing at all my mistakes

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