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Solanum Tuberosum

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Posts posted by Solanum Tuberosum

  1. But holding it open foreva is how u combo.

    but holding it for someone still far away from a door but staring at them intently at the eyes sharing your intent that you indeed are to hold this door open for them and as such they must run to the door or else face your wrath

    it is one of the simplest passive agressive ways

  2. 1. League of Legends

    Okay let's do some quick calculations.

    About 2000 games of Normal Queue, about 300 or so custom matches, and somewhere in the realm of 180 ranked matches.

    Assuming an average match length of 30 minutes, over 2480 games, that is already 1280 hours of raw game time. Not counting loading screens, not counting queue times, not counting time spent sitting in the client doing some theory shitt. Average game time also probably higher than 30minutes. Too much time yo.

    2. RuneScape

    idk like 60days in game time on two accounts so like 1400 hours not counting other accounts.

    yeah moving on

    3. Pokemon Series

    Blue - 50hrs

    Yellow - 75hrs

    Gold - probably around 350~ish is where I remember

    Crystal - 50hrs

    Sapphire - 250hrs

    Emerald - 550hrs

    LeafGreen - 190hrs

    Pearl - 150hrs

    Platinum - 48hrs

    White - 32hrs

    Colosseum - 20hrs

    XD - 30hrs

    it goes on and on

    4. Fire Emblem

    its fun

    5. Mario Kart

    Spent like all of one summer playing this forsaken game, (its fun)

    got up to like 9700 and then stopped playing and my friends dropped me down to like 7000. lol

    if i like a game i play it a lot!! probably too much

  3. ...Why isn't Lebron in the opening list?

    "I decided against using more known players simply because of the age factor and because many of them have either announced they would not be playing USA Basketball or they were selected and dropped the team. I'm a Celtics fan and would have loved to have used the rest of the Boston's Big Four (Pierce, KG, Allen and Rondo) but the New Big Three has been addled by injuries and father time. "

    Also Camby is on the Rockets, yo. Why not someone like say, Bynum or Hibbert over Camby? They provide everything he does with offense.

    That being said, here's my team.

    C - MAMADOU N'DIAYE - Best center

    PF - STEPHEN GRAHAM - Best power forward and 1/2 of the power twins

    SF - JOEY GRAHAM - Best small forward and 1/2 of the power twins

    SG - MATT CARROLL - The pastiest white dudes have the silkiest shots

    PG - HASHEEM THABEET - The taller you are the easier it is to pass so hes star point guard yo

    hasheem thabeet and mamadou n'diaye arent from usa but dont matta

  4. Yeah it was blind pick, taking a ranked break because I'm #1 baddie yo. Shaco isn't exactly super duper faceroooooooool. Wards can still catch you, and if you build like I do, you will die like sandwich fucker if you use deceive haphazardly. Many people play Shaco and don't do well, because they think he's OP and instawin, even though he's not.

    but goddam is it not ez to gank through wards with deceive kekekekekekekeke

  5. In a duo queue if there is a premade one of them will ALWAYS be last pick, ALWAYS, if u are a duo premade in a ranked and none of you is last pick, is beacuse there is also another duo premade there.

    In normal it goes different, just premade follow the same line, if they are 3 the 3 go together but they can be 3 first ones, 3 last ones, 3 in the middle... that is just random, but they will always go together in order

    Am I the only one who plays in Europe West server right? I have account in NA one, but its level 1 lol, my good account is european

    Majority of us are NA.. I think we may have 1 or 2 EU people but I'm not sure.

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