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sup a

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Posts posted by sup a

  1. Town just sorta confirmed themselves with unfortunate circumstances for scum. I don't think Fenrir would've been as easily lynched if he responded but we all just piled onto your case on him, and when it came to Claire she got sandwiched between an awkward interaction early on that made her prime suspect. Town played well but I wouldn't say amazing from anyone in particular just sort of above the grade as a whole

  2. Hal is pretty much clear in my eyes, the early half of the wagon seems decently pure. I know for a fact I'm town so like..I'm at the point where I again kinda wanna vote Fleet lmao

    FUCK why did this game have to be easy

  3. I've got my own tinfoils, think I've mentioned them but without repeating myself I don't wanna play hardball yet. Just you wait though, if Mitsuru is town I've got a lot to talk about

    And if she's scum then lol I'll vote Fleet again or something zzzz

  4. If Mitsuru isn't scum then maybe this game won't bore me as much, not trying to sound egotistic but I love to be wrong about things like this because I haven't had anything to really get invested in, and being right is only a fraction of my enjoyment


    Vote: Mitsuru Kirijo

  5. 8 minutes ago, Athena_57 said:

    You'll see I dropped this point literally my next post

    Where I was coming from in any case:

    First of all I don't agree with you, I'm not sold on there necessarily being a busser and I don't think it's fleet. Secondly even if I did agree w/ it I think it's weird to go "Let's go busser hunting everybody" without saying why there should even be a busser / covering the counterwagons. I don't see how this makes no sense.

    If you don't think it's fleet who do you think it is?

  6. 1 hour ago, Athena_57 said:

    Off the top of my head I didn't like Weiners opening to today when his first (and only?) post was a list of the people who contributed to the scumlynch and an 'analysis' of who the likeliest busser was. Felt like a bit of a ??? start to the day, not bc I don't think there's a busser, but not really the first thing I'd focus on the day after a scumlynch without going into why there is obviously 1 or more bussers if that makes sense

    That's how I play town

    Uhhh you don't like me 'analyzing' the wagon but then essentially say that you agree with my idea but not how I brung it up? Like..that makes no sense. You think there's a busser just like I did and I thought it'd be a good talking point, and I came to the conclusion that Fleet was a decent candidate given the risk of the people, do you disagree with this?

  7. When it comes to Fleet I think he's just awkward and worth pushing. Nothing far too developed but I sort of get where Refa is coming from in terms 'this is the kinda push I'd make if I were scum.' He's not as polarizing as Mitsuru but also not as out there as Athena, which still retains some doubt from me. I actually had it in my own personal notes that maybe this game wasn't as easy as I thought it would be and there's some sort of surprise scummate nobody has latched onto. I also still don't care for Marth and it's clear he skimmed or frankly doesn't care enough in the first place but maybe other people can tell me what's more likely


  8. 5 hours ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

    Kinda want to lynch between claire/weiner. Claire because she made a post at one point where she said she didn't get why fenrir was getting voted but was OK with the wagon, which is easy to handwave if you're scum, and weiner because he's doing the thing again where he doesn't commit to a stance on mitsuru/duskfall and hedges a lot on that and stays off the main wagon while not really commenting on it. 

    This is blatantly untrue, but unfortunately you're deciding to replace out so I'm speaking to the thread and not you which isn't as productive. I thought Dusk was scum for a decent portion of the day, maybe all the way up until it ended. I liked Refa's thought process on Fenrir and I came to my own conclusion that Fenrir/Dusk probably weren't partners given the way Fenrir hopped onto him. Things get a little more complicated because Dusk was scumreading Mitsuru who Fenrir was scumreading Dusk for his scumread on Mitsuru. It was like some kind of vacuum, and for the case of Fenrir he was just trying to cover all options with little to no basis, but he's dead now so I get no credit telling you obvious things.

    Point given: I don't see 3 partners interacting this way with each other in an allotted time, and I certainly don't see the value of Fenrir to vote Duskfall with Mitsuru (go check the waogn logs) therefore It's very likely that Dusk is just town. I also think it's likely Mitsuru/Dusk aren't partners but with Dusk looking far better in light of Fenrir's flip, that leads me to believe Mitsuru is probably scum who was put in an obstinate position and forced to roll with it. You say that I'm acting like I was before and if anything I see parallel to my own behavior where Mitsuru is forced to commit to a shitty read that she hasn't put the time into actually processing as an attempt to look more townie.

    I think it'd be really funny if I'm wrong and scum literally just happened to have the biggest moment of spaghetti this side of Italy in the thread but Smogon says Duskfall checks out as town so SHRUG

  9. Fenrir Aesir (7)Refa, Athena_57, Nuxl, Magnificence Incarnate, hal, Flee Fleet!, Shinori

    Don't think both partners are here, thinking one at best and they were given a bad hand. My guess? Fleet probably. I talked about it before and I retain that Fenrir/Dusk probably weren't partners so I'm not pushing that anymore. I noted in my head that Athena was acting a bit strange in some spots but occam's razor suggest this is 2nd best

    Vote: Flee Fleet

  10. If the above statement confuses you, I don't think Dusk/Mitsuru are both partners, therefore it became priority and the fact Mitsuru has been sitting her vote on Dusk. Perhaps I'm doing the same, but definitely not feeling the progression from her. I dunno with Dusk is doing either to be honest, I don't give the vibe he scumreads me that hard.

  11. 2 minutes ago, ULTRA PRODIGY NUXL said:

    Link, sorry? wrt Fenrirs thoughts on Mitsuru/Dusk

    Felt a bit incomplete, at worst this is because Mitsuru literally has like 3-4 posts and you're sitting at 50+ something If i were to ISO script you

    This might sound mean but I don't wanna waste my time answering questions for you that will either A) Become irrelevant over time B) Be answered over time so yeah I just wanna sit and wait on a few things now

  12. Just now, ULTRA PRODIGY NUXL said:

    Ok so it kind of read off as filler/unnecessarily wordy to you?

    I thought he thought he was on the mark with dusk (whether or not that has an agenda or not will be realized when he sees he has 4 votes on him probably) so I thought that was his focus alongside mentioning reads. But ok maybe we have different interpretations

    Do you think his push on dusk could be partnery in a way? In other words, can his push be tvs?

    Nah, doesn't seem orchestrated enough. I'd imagine if he were attempting to distance he would be much more focused on his points, because usually distancing/bussing comes with some sort of grand statement or exchange of over-induced drama, I've played mafia for 8 years now and I can't remember a subtle bussing exchange, it's always go big or go home. I still sit stubborn about Dusk but we'll see, I wouldn't mind if it came down to Dusk/Fenrir and we go from there.

  13. 1 minute ago, ULTRA PRODIGY NUXL said:

    How do you feel that he's pushing Dusk and is on the same wagon as you

    Does that imply it's strong at the beginning and becomes weaker later? Elab pls xd

    Another joke, I'm just a fun-loving dude *honks clown nose*

    But in actuality it doesn't have too much focus, he covers a lot of bases but not in-depth enough where I struggle to understand why he bothered to post it in the first place. Excessive padding if you may

  14. 1 minute ago, ULTRA PRODIGY NUXL said:

    So i'm gonna ask you what your thoughts on Fenrir's wall is. You have 3 minutes and will lose towncred points if your response is longer than this duration by every minute
    Ok @weinerboy

    It's long, durable but kinda peters out at the end and becomes flaccid just like my weiner u could say

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