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Everything posted by noremaC

  1. I know it is not the photo you asked for, i couldn't really make anything out of it because it was not a render so i just kinda made this from what you said in the beginning, i can make a new one if you would like.
  2. It is going to be hard because it is not a render, but i think I may be able to do something with it, I will see.
  3. Find a pic here you like, just search dragon and send me the link http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/index.php
  4. fine, i'll give it a try, post the render here and say what you want the background to somewhat look like.
  5. Ohh well still, I am praticing so the answer is no, and you would probably want me to put text saying you are a god.
  6. I think I can get plenty of help from tutorials and .psd files but thank you anyways.
  7. I am mainly going for the backgrounds right now, I will soon start acually trying to make the renders fit in and stuff.
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