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Posts posted by RexBolt

  1. 31 minutes ago, ΔZZ said:

    I heard someone say Doudo or whatever it is is a common nickname for Brazillian people called Eduardo so he could possibly be translated as that (unless who ever is localising intends on keeping the names as similar to the Japanese as possible)

    It's Dudu, not Doudo. Duda also happens, more to Eduarda than Eduardo but it happens. I hope they will just have him as Dudu and say it's the nickname for Eduardo, that's my name after all, would be cool to see it in the game. And since i generally go with my middle name Lucena in games it wouldn't even clash.

  2. 1 hour ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    So if we have Weapon Skills; Class Skills AND Combat Arts as well as Magic I could easily see this system getting very confusing IMO, at least it will be most likely easy to break though.

    From what we are seeing of these skills i'm starting to think Combat Arts have nothing to do with individual weapons like SoV and instead are just the name of skills by Class or Weapon Rank that need to be activated. I think TH will do away with have % to activate a skill.

  3. 7 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    Okay; thanks to the article that was recently released, we now know a little more about the different classes in Three Houses. Specifically, we have at least five confirmed classes:

    1. Commoner/Noble: Doesn't specialize in anything. The base class.
    2. Myrmidon: specializes in swords
    3. Soldier: specializes in lances
    4. Fighter: specializes in axes and bows
    5. Monk: A magic class that specializes in three different forms of magic

    Add in brigand, which was confirmed back in the last Direct, and we have six confirmed classes. I think I can safely say that most of us figured that these classes would be returning. But it's nice to get confirmation, while also learning some neat details. 

    But didn't the article also say that classes won't be restricted to a single weapon anymore? I'm confused by these 2 pieces of info that a lot of people show but never together. What is right?


    There no sense of healing items having more power but less uses if they are also more expensive and rare to get!

    I mean, my greatest hope is that healing items in TH would be the same as rations of Echoes, but i think that's not happening, so at least fix that.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Cysx said:

    The headband seems to be for low level troops first and foremost, since that's what the thief's soldiers with bows also wear in trailer 2(the one Bernadetta fights). I'm not certain they're supposed to have a class. Unless mercenaries can use bows too.


    My theory is that these bland headbanded units are actually the Battalion version of the Noble/Trainee class. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Kozac said:

    Do every FE had at least one dancer ? 

    Or they were some exception, and if yes, will 3H an another exception ? 

    Only the first two games lacked Dancers, but the Gaiden/Echoes remake introduced a similar solution in the form of Faye.

    There were many games with multiple dancers in the cast, as in the Elibe and Tellius games and in Genealogy, but only one ever gets deployed for various reasons. 

  7. 1 hour ago, SageHarpuiaJDJ said:

    I will. Any specific weapons you want them to have?

    Slim Lances for Both, they star at E in Lances, but on promotion they have their normal A-rank in Swords, and that why they both also come with Wind Swords in the inventory. 

    If you can't make the Wind Swords show up then normal light brands.

    Also, can you make the Final Boss of Lyn mode drop a Elysian Whip?

  8. 1 hour ago, Ayra said:

    I'm really unsure about a playable soldier in this game because each character is a "commander" in this game. 

    In the screenshot above, we know for sure that the guy with the weird "armored headband" is one of the generic soldier types a commander can have. I'd expect regular soldiers to be the same way; the ones pictured above are probably basically the "spear" version of the generics, or a perhaps "class-changed" version of them due to the relatively hefty armor. 

    I love playable soldiers too and we'll certainly have lance-based infantry (Not only Dimitri, but we've seen Ferdinand both noble class and changed class wielding one on foot), but I really doubt they'll be called soldiers this time.

    I mean, if they are really using Brigand of all things for the Axe-Infantry class, i don't see why Soldier is so impossible here. Sure they may still use Spear-Fighter os something, but i kind of hate that name.

  9. 13 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    Of course, those guys in spears could be knights, rather than soldiers. But I have a couple reasons why I think they're probably soldiers. One reason is their helmets: knights in FE always had helmets that covered the face. Even Valbar has one; he just wears his with the visor up. Meanwhile, soldiers were always given open-faced helmets in every game that they're in. It's a relatively small detail, but it's one that's been consistent throughout FE.

    That and we have seen the generic Armor Knight model in-game on the first trailer and it, althought not as bulky as the norm, it still has an armor a lot bigger than the folks in the image.

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