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Suzaku (Ryuu)

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Posts posted by Suzaku (Ryuu)

  1. ```json
    Sarnai - Tactician (Level 1, Exp 0/100)
      HP  60   SPD 25
      STR 26   LCK 27
      MAG 24   DEF 26
      SKL 29   RES 19

     Solidarity  Hex
     Anathema  Avoid+10

     Movement+1  Locktouch
     Veteran  Lethality

  2. PLOT



    Suzaku....? Barring any, well, difficulties that may occur during her transit from FFXIV to... a Fire Emblem setting (Archanea?), she would start pining once more. Where before she pined for her long-dead lover Tenzen, she now would pine for the friends she had left behind--- the other three with whom she stood as the Four Lords, and the warrior of light, amongst other things. She would thus sing, and sing, and sing a haunting melody. Roaming the land singing a song of sorrow and with it sway the hearts of the weary, the heartbroken, the sympathetic. Not with ill will, no!

    All the while she would try to find a way to return to the world from whence she came. Desperate, sorrowful, afraid. She would find people willing to lend her their strength. And so she would grow in power --become a leader of a cult, perhaps?-- and with that power she would seek even the faintest glimmer of hope that she can return and unwittingly cause things to go slowly go sour. First some of her followers would fall to banditry in their eagerness to lend her their help---- and then she would unwittingly stumble upon the darksphere. Suzaku is not human, and thus the darksphere's effects would, perhaps, be stayed somewhat. But eventually it will eat at her sorrow, and at auspices' natural tendencies to slowly fall to blind fury over time.

    She will... slowly regress into the state she was in before her fury was quelled by the warrior of light, back in her own world. Worse, even, with the darksphere breaking what morals held dominion over her heart. Seeking power by any means possible, she would start aggressively sowing discord, taking over nations so that she may draw upon their knowledge and power. At one point she will be so lost in her fury that she will have forgotten the reasons why she had become so in the first place. Some of her followers will have left her side at this point, seeing that she had changed too much. Others yet would be drawn to her, seeking a sliver of that power and dominion over all that she held should she ever leave their world.


    And then she loses in the end, the darksphere prised from her hands. In her weakened state, she would come to her senses and weep. Weep for all the sadness and suffering that she had brought upon the world. For the friends that she had made in her stay in the new land but had overlooked in her obsession for her old friends--- some of them now dead because of the things she has done.

    She bursts into flame and disappears to recuperate someplace distant. A place where she can live out her suffering until at last she can return and make amends... and live a life of contentment as a wandering musician.



    Suzaku would not be a character that you would see and immediately declare as evil. She's... a mixed case, honestly. Quite far gone, but the good in her heart will shine through despite everything.

    Her weapon would be... fire. Just fire. No tomes. She can conjure pillars of fire, huge fiery explosions, and summon bird-like familiars without having to hold a tome in her hand. This would make her the subject of curiousity.

    Call me mad, but....


    Suzaku   Level 20 Vermilion Bird
    Flier, Magical
    HP   80     SPD  28
    STR  10     LCK  16
    MAG  26     DEF  24
    SKL  29     RES  24
    Eternal Flame    - Fire/Wind    14 mt / 60 hit /  5 crit / 1~2 / infinite uses ; not affected by silence
    Wall of Fire     - Fire         30 mt / 15 hit / 10 crit / 1~4 / four uses ; strikes four times in succession
                                                                     raises hitrate by 10% for every use less the maximum uses
                                                                     all units adjacent to the target recieve 10% damage dealt
    Phantom Flurry   - Fire         10 mt / 40 hit / 60 crit / 1~2 / infinite uses; physical
    Blazing Fury     - ((skill+luck)/2)% chance of striking another time after concluding any attack;
                       the extra attack is treated like a regular attack and also has a chance
                       to recursively proc Blazing Fury
    Renewal          - recover 30% of maximum hp at the beginning of each round
    Vermilion Melody - every allied unit except herself within 7 tiles gains 10% chance to strike another
                       time after concluding an attack. The extra strike is considered a
                       regular attack and thus may recursively proc itself
    Fast Flier       - effective damage from bows decreased by 40%, evasion against bow attacks increased by 50%
    Pavise           - (skill)% chance of halving incoming damage
    Vengeance        - (skill/2)% chance of dealing triple damage when counterattacking
    Lethal Guard     - 30% of remaining hp is preserved after taking a hit from a one hit knockout move
    Use wind tomes and status effects to bring her down. Poison would help in counteracting her persistent regeneration,
    paralysis or sleep will keep her from unleashing her devastating attacks, and wind tomes exploit her weakness
    to wind as a flying entity-- bows are not as effective against her because of her Fast Flier skill.
    Have units with undesirable matchups against her protect those units that are attacking her; she periodically
    summons reinforcements during the course of the battle, and her Vermilion Melody skill has the potential to
    make them deadly if not dealt with properly.
    Her high defenses, periodic summons, healing, and high attack all mean that you should work on disabling
    her as quickly as possible and as often as possible while overwhelming her with sheer force. Dancers and/or
    singers are highly recommended. Units with luna or aether come highly recommended. Units with OHKO skills
    slotted in are always desirable.



  3. 1) a

    2) What is it you find more satisfying? Victory through a flashy display of SHEER FIREPOWER (and by that I mean deluvio de nukes a la gandhi) or through technique (taking down foes superior to you by exploiting their weaknesses, using the environment, amongst other things)? In whatever context, be it in Fire Emblem, Civilisation, or whatnot

    3) DANCREACABALERFOSF--- okay, calmed down now uh... why is the dancer cabal so op?! For an organisation of support characters (promotes notwithstanding) they're almost too big of a headache... and for that matter, singer cabal when?

    4) Shall we take a moment to appreciate the perfection that is Satori with glasses?

               -----who are your top five touhou girls?

    5) Red is definitely the best colour-- but I'm curious. Any particular reasons why you like it, and in combination with what colours do you like it best?

  4. Not quite up to my taste. It has enthusiasm I'll give it that, but it does not have the coherence, elegance, or complexity that I greatly prefer in my music. Not to say I think it's bad; it's decent.



  5. Because we realised that if we take the time to subject our resources to complex and time-intensive procedures that consume even more resources, then the resource that has been subject to such processing will be perceived as possessing greater value by virtue of having had time and resources wasted upon its production. In other words, it makes us who cook look cooler than those who eat their meat raw. 

    Never mind that fire is hot.

    For what reason is sleep necessary?

  6. Thanks for the welcomes! And, ah, apologies for not responding immediately; I was unable to reply to this thread (or any thread) for that matter. Looking forward to getting along with you all! 

    And ah, yes, the yukkuri philosophy. Best philosophy, that

  7. Hi! Hello! I am Ryuu, though I also go by (or used to go by) the aliases Melodia, Sarnai, and Suzaku. Am currently Suzaku (Ryuu)#5120 on Discord, though as I'm prone to changing my username, uh... yeah. 

    I got my introduction into Fire Emblem through Harudoku's Fire Emblem over on discord, been playing for white a while now. Got intrigued by the series and decided to play the DS Fire Emblems and enjoyed them, but my computer's too weak for those, so.... I decided to play FE7 instead! You can, er... pretty much infer that I'm using emulators. I honestly want to play them on console! It's just that I don't have the luxury of getting myself those because poor. I'm also intrigued by Fire Emblem Awakening as well as Fire Emblem Heroes (gacha, gacha, gacha? gacha) I cannot emulate those. Gods no. FE:H is on android, you say? I.... well, got no phone, sadly.

    Ah well.

    Before FE, I used to play FFXIV (still want to get back into the game, but life's busy) and before that, Touhou. It'd be nice to go and geek out over these things sometime~!

    Speaking of geeking out, I love books, fire, durgens, birbs, music, bookish durgens, fiery birbs, bookish fires, and everything in between! Satoris too (if you're ever into touhou) and glasses. I, er, hope we all get along! I'm kinda slow and forgetful though, so apologies if I suddenly sputz out. Kinda moody too, though I've been doing my best to keep that under control.


    So! Since HaruFE is the FE game I play the most, I might as well talk a bit about the stuff I do with my characters and stuff.

    My userID is 143694199081009153 if you ever feel like spamming ~fites against my characters. I'd recommend bashing your head against my -2; she's my dedicated fighter. I'm far from the best, of course. I've five character slots unlocked, and for all of them I have RP profiles planned.

     -1 is Sarnaibileg Sansar, a (as of now, level 35) valkyrie with a love for books and knowledge. She travels the world, riding her trusty steed and writing things down as she sees them. Combat is something she abhors, and this is reflected in how she is not quite built to be a fighter (in my honest opinion) in-game; lots of luck, decent magic, but subpar speed and skill. She's a half manakete! (I love manaketes) and has been around for around 1400 years.

     -2 is Yuuko, foster child of -1. She's a magus with a mastery of all forms of magic-- light, dark, anima, staves. She has them all! She acknowledges but does not believe in the gods and instead places her faith in personal skill (she has near nil lck and incredible skl) and, for a character of her class, is incredibly fast. She's a glass spear-- darting around the battlefield and dealing MASSIVE DAMAGE!!!!!!!! (!!!!!)

    -3 is Denos do Losina, a noble. Not much to say about him without spoiling what I have planned for him.

    -4 is... someone named esteem. Who is he?


    I love glass cannons. ' -')b


    @ZeManaphy Briefly, but that was before I even knew about FF. Don't remember it much, alas.

  8. Hi hi! I think Awakening is nice, but I haven't played it much (can't run it; no console and computer's too weak)

    Sucker for visuals here, haha!

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