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Everything posted by risingSolaris

  1. Whoop dee doo. This was a lot harder than I expected it to be actually...
  2. NOOOOOOORRRNNNNE!!! Left is to match the size of people from the GBA games (of her age), but right is her full FEDS replica.
  3. For the first sprite, I wouldn't use the outline color for his eyebrows. Also, his head is the size of a child's, and it doesn't really fit with Ross' body. For the second sprite, the custom stuff looks really pillow-shaded. Also, the mask is still almost the same color as the hair, so maybe make it a bit brighter? Or cover the mouth altogether. Otherwise, these aren't bad. Keep up the good work!
  4. K, did it all. The flags are really basic though...
  5. Help. With scars, clothing, necklace, and lots of other stuff (also need some good references or pointers for muscles). ...
  6. They're not the best, but I guess they work. From left to right, Lucent Creed, Untouched, and Saligia.
  7. Are logos limited to a specific amount of colors? Also, would you like them to be pixels (like sprites) or graphics?
  8. ...pretty crappy. Oh well, still pretty happy about how it came out. IT'S JUST TOO HARD TO WORK WITH FE6 SPRITES
  9. Fixed it and edited it a bit. Does it look better?
  10. Help. Mostly with trim (looks too...shiny), but anything else would be appreciated as well.
  11. Okay, so I actually managed to get through my problems, and I really like both Flynn and Caelen. But I seriously hope she doesn't desert or betray Flynn, because that would suck.
  12. I've tried it three or four times, but I do unintentionally tend to press keys when I don't need to.
  13. Just gave this a try, and for some reason when I enter the scene with Flynn and the pirate, they just stay there and nothing else happened. So all I was able to do was the Adventure Map. Your ideas are really interesting, and I'd definitely play this game once I actually can.
  14. Tried fixing everything you talked about (except for the background, still contemplating how to fix that). Also gave my try at shading this thing. I need help with the dress part most...
  15. For the second mug, he hair shading is weird, and he lacks AAing around his hair. His shoulders are a bit small, and his ear is quite big. His nose is pointy, and his eyes are strangely big for a guy(?).
  16. Heya! Here's some art, I'm open to any critique and in fact would greatly appreciate it. :3 Hope you enjoy the art! [spoiler=GK Forde] Made this kinda recently, just a quick and messy colored sketch. :0 [spoiler=French Sniper] An unnamed OC, supposed to be a sniper. Based his design off of older French military outfits. Hopefully more stuff will come! :D [spoiler=Old Post]So I'll start this off by posting a WIP tablet drawing of Lute. Honestly, I feel like I need to work on this a LOT more, so hopefully you guys here at SF can help. Also, I need directions to help me with the shading. I put it in a spoiler because it's quite big. Thanks in advance.
  17. Yeah, I had a feeling that would be confusing. So I made a picture for you to reference on the right (along with another one showing what part I was talking about on the left).
  18. I think that it's a bit strange that his clavicules (or whatever those neck bones are called) can be seen through his shirt, unless it's a really tight shirt. Might want to fix that. Also, his right side of his chest doesn't really match with the rest of the body's angle.
  19. Whoops, accidentally somehow made two posts at once. Please delete this someone.
  20. For the hair, I think that she meant that there's too much of the second shade in his hair. Something like that...not sure how else to put it in a better way.
  21. His body's angle doesn't match up with his face's angle (unless that was intended), and his nose is kind of weird. I really do like the hair and the design altogether, though.
  22. Well, his head is giant. For the circle, try a 39 x 40 circle. His shoulders are like...pointing up, and his body is quite small.
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