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Posts posted by Teku

  1. my friend and i are making a fan based DnD themed Fire Emblem + Final Fantasy style creation, and were (well i am) looking for more creative and unique sprites and a few animations for it to make some of the npc's more interesting. a few unique villager, cultist, soldier sprites are what i was generally seeking since i have little experience besides the "Character Creator" we started with. Does anyone know some sprites that could assist with this? i didnt want to mooch around and just snatch stuff as that would have been rude, dishonest and plagiarizing and i don't want that :P

    P.S. (i dont know if this is over reaching but i apologize if i am) I was also looking for 1 sprite designer in particular, his name is/war Ragnarok, one of the main sprite designers for Blazers hack The Last Promise and i fell in love with one of his sprites, General Holton. If anyone has a way for me to get in touch with him that would great :)

  2. 10 hours ago, familyplayer said:

    I mean it's safe to say you definitely just pushed a shit ton of statboosters on her. With her growths, she'd never look THAT good without rigging them all and/or buying a ton of statboosters from the secret shop.

    I actually didnt in this run. I will add i used stavestates at times to ensure people lived if i was in a tough spot or the bosses were hard (like that guy with the berserk staff). The only booster i gave her for that run were +2 movement boots, otherwise i just really lucky with her stats and im one of those guys that waits till level 20 (or late as possible) to promote to maximize my units potential.


    6 hours ago, Tempo said:

    You know what a 1/5 star rating isn't really fair to her. She does have her utility early game. I guess during the mid-game is when she dropped off for me. I can see her being at least a 2 star unit, maybe even a low 3 star unit if she gets rng blessed

    I mean, 3/5 is where i would put her as well if i was honest about her as whole, but then again im biased towards generals for them saving my hide multiple times in the GBA and Radiant Dawn series. Her slow speed and res are where she will struggle after the midpoint in the game, but i was able to have her be A ranked with my Tactician so it was never to much of a problem since he could heal her

    Speaking of which, i really look forward to the final version of this for the support conversations/endings. I just really want to know more about these characters in general :)

  3. 40 minutes ago, Tempo said:

    Aceline: Hey knights that have access to bows which are stupid broken in this game what could go wrong. How about the fact that she ends up being so slow that not only can she not double but she can't reliably tank either. I wanted her to be good but overall is not worth the time to invest into. 1/5 stars

    Eh, she turned out very well in my run through :p , but i have a particular fondness for armored nights in fire emblem, so im willing to bear with them early on and see if it can jury rig something to make them work


  4. 4 hours ago, DectorEy said:


    But yeah I'm really looking forward to the final final version of this hack with all the supports.  I'll definitely replay it when it comes out.  :

    It could just be me, but im actually more interested in the potential sequel. i want to know more about the ritual that dark mage used to ascend to godhood. who knows that could have been set up to make him the main villain for the next generation

  5. 21 hours ago, Ayra said:

    I have one main fear though: I'm not using Wayland. Am I going to be punished later in the game for not using him..? Does he have forced deployment eventually or a 1vs1 duel that I hate so much later on..? I'd hate to hit a gameover state 30 hours in just because I'm not training him. I know I should, but I already can't fit in only 12 slots the units I want to use and I keep getting new interesting ones. I'm already "stuck" on the chapter 14 deployment screen because I have 14 units I really, really want to bring and I'm limited to 12; I really don't want to have to squeeze Wayland too on top of it all.

    I think there is a point where he is forced to be deployed, but he doesn't have to be used necessarily. you could just put him in a corner and play it with your regular team

  6. so a few things regarding the classes a little bit just for my own curiosity.
    For chiara was she intended to by a myrmidon? cause her stat grows are more fitting of one (in my opinion) than a mercenary. thats just my thinking given how her growths were in my runs with her.

    And for the 2 thieves, will there/is there a fell contract that can turn them into assassins instead of rogues and i just missed it? or do you only get the 1 assassin in the game and thats it?

  7. i have yet to play this since im trying to finish a few play throughs of other FE hacks but this one is on the list to try out, when you mention skills, is it like Path of Radiance/ Radiant Dawn skills? and are soldiers and brigands recruit-able? (my favorite classes and i dont know why)

  8. so initial thoughts on playing the prologue on my first playthough of this
    Interesting start it being on a ship, new a fresh

    actually being able to see your avatar is a neat idea

    wish the main tactician had a more customized or more original look than a dark mage in combat (minor nitpick)

    like the glaive design

    kinda wish the dialogue from the first boss had been slightly more original that changing only 2 words from Bata the Beast (minor nitpick)

    overall i like the start to this and am looking forward to playing through the rest

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