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About Epsilon

  • Birthday 09/19/1993

Profile Information

  • Location
    Fenton, Michigan

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Sacred Stones

Epsilon's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Thanks. I just want to try out Henry (Magical) Nah. I'll keep your advice in mind. Hmmm.. It would probably be good idea to change the pairings now that I think about it. Plus Inigo would give me VV, though I'm really unsure about that.
  2. Hmmm... This looks great guys. Thank you! Chrom!Cynthia (Dark Flier) X Virion!Brady (Sage) Sumia!Lucina (Sniper) X Vaike!Gerome (Berzerker) Henry!Nah (Valkyrie) X Ricken!Owain (Dread Fighter) Gaius!Kjelle (Paladin) X Libra!Inigo (Berzerker) Donnel!Noire Back-Up(Sniper) X Stahl!Yarne (Assassin) Lon'Qu!Severa (Wyvern Lord AS+2) X Avatar (Paladin) Severa!Morgan (Sage) X Gregor!Laurent (Sage)
  3. +Ma -Def Avatar (Paladin) Lon'Qu!Severa (Wyvern Lord) (All Stats +2) ------------ Severa!Morgan (Sage) Gregor!Laurent (Sage)
  4. Last thing everyone. Please help me create the most optimal pairs from these cookie-cutter pairings. Thanks again!. So far I have. Gaius!Kjelle (Paladin) Sumia!Lucina (Sniper) Chrom!Cynthia (Dark Flier) Donnel!Noire Back-Up(Sniper/Assassin) Henry!Nah (Sage/DF/Valkyrie) ------------------------------------ Ricken!Owain (Dread Fighter) Libra!Inigo (Berzerker) Virion!Brady (Sage) Vaike!Gerome (Berzerker) Stahl!Yarne (Assassin)
  5. I see. That should be fine then. I mean, if I wanted to use a Sniper: Morgan. I would just have to pair with an Assassin. And If I wanted to be a Sorcerer: Morgan I could pair with a Dread Fighter. I think Gregor: Laurent would be perfect for her. I could just stack Laurent: Sage and Morgan: Sage as well. Plus with the +2 all skill, this still looks fun. Thanks.
  6. What do you guys think of: Lon'Qu: Severa X (+Mag, -Def) MaMU For post-game? I was thinking about it and Morgan should be able to double Anna in any non-Gk, WL, General, and in any pair-up right? Her Mods are: 0 2 4 6 8 -1 -4 -1 So this gives me a black-haired Morgan ;), and basically every non-tanking option in the game right? The speed might be over-kill for some classes, but I think I could pull-off like every class I want. I think it will be fun. What do you guys think? ----- Oh and Czar Yoshi, thanks again for the Lunatic advice and the thread link. The play-through is going great!
  7. I've played through the game once when it was released. I really want to try Lunatic or Lunatic (+), but the first couple of chapters keep destroying me. Thank you.
  8. Hello everyone. May someone help me set up some good in-game pairings? I heard that Sumia X Chrom and MaMU X Cordelia was good but what about.... I'm familiar with the mechanics, but if you guys could tell me how you go about beating the game- that would be great! Non- MaMU Cordelia Sully Lissa Mirel Maribelle Nowi Tharja Cherche Panne Olivia
  9. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late.

  10. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  11. I was just wondering if there is a "Tony's hack" for the Sacred Stones? FE7's was amazing.
  12. YES!

    (Although that's my profile picture that you were talking about: my avatar is a fanart of Lara.)

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