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Posts posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. leave all the baggage at home when working

    allowing personal life to affect work is easily noticeable and making a habit of it won't help keep a job or career

    "adult" is written in the topic title, so act like one. don't complain about work or ask for babying at work (with the exception of accommodations to perform your duties, IF HR and you think your medically diagnosed needs might not allow you to perform your duties adequately.) if it's "boring," that means it's easy, correct? if you have constructive input on implementation & execution of how you / your team / company can run more efficiently, bring it up in a one on one with your immediate senior. if you see an issue within three degrees of your duties that you feel you can take care of and save your team / your senior time; take initiative, act on it, and take credit for it. otherwise, keep your personal thoughts to yourself while working an easy job, get paid, put it on your resume and move onto the next step in your career which will hopefully be more engaging, challenging and not "boring"

    stay positive at all times while on the clock

    last of all, your father isn't punishing you for not getting or being able to keep a job. he's punishing you for being dishonest and not taking responsibility. transparency is an issue at all levels in most companies, but that doesn't mean you can't be honest with your family. the "punishment" he's giving you right now of errands / chores, applying + interviews and leading an active life is to teach you to take responsibility for your "adult" life. family won't be around forever to be able to take care of you. the main lesson here, among other minor life things, is to NOT throw your opportunities in life down the drain

    time is the most precious, limited resource in the world; how you spend it is completely up to you


  2. that sketch is really cute, i look forward to your art thread if you plan on making one

    spoiler is [ spoiler ] [ /spoiler ] removing the spaces in the brackets

    welcome to the forest

  3. looking at the link of the image and a little backtracking says the game is Iron Man X-O Manowar In Heavy Metal

    i don't think this is the right answer, and even if it is i don't want Blades of Time because i feel like i cheated. i think you should just keep the steam key and wait until you can upgrade your GPU to play the game tbh

    edit: i think the guy on the right is collossus; according to current x-men movie universe he's still alive and kicking. idk about the comics / games though.

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