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  1. Hello again, hope everyone's had a nice holiday! I've been making progress bit by bit, just whenever I've got an hour or two. I've got a question about the engine's capabilities, if you've got the time Would it be possible to implement a Farina/Rennac-style talk conversation, where a character can be recruited for a certain price? Maybe if I coded in a command prompt, that popped up if you had the right amount of gold or..? I think it would be cool to have a couple mercenary characters in my game, but I'm kind of at a loss as to how I would actually make that possible. Thanks in advance!
  2. Hey! I've been toying around with your engine and its very impressive! I'm about halfway through the guide by now, and its very good at creating original chapters in a reasonable amount of time. The only trouble I've been having with it is with the reinforcements menu in Lex Talionis. I believe its been mentioned before but placed player units can sometimes glitch and end up as reinforcements , also it would be great to have a way to delete the spawns I created on accident. I've caught another glitch, too, unfortunately: I had one character spawn out of a village with the convert/add unit commands, and whenever he was deselected the lion throne engine would crash showing this error report. Sorry to bring yet another bug to your attention! Just want you to know you've made a great tool that has certainly worked more than it has crashed. Debug: 1 Version: v0.8.3 libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile None === === === === === === Damn. Another bug :( Quick! Copy this error log and send it to rainlash! Or send the file "Saves/debug.log.1" to rainlash! Thank you! === === === === === === Main Crash 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 117, in <module> File "main.py", line 45, in main File "main.py", line 63, in run File "Code\StateMachine.py", line 189, in update begin_output = self.state[-1].begin(gameStateObj, metaDataObj) File "Code\StateMachine.py", line 561, in begin self.validMoves = cur_unit.getValidMoves(gameStateObj) File "Code\UnitObject.py", line 911, in getValidMoves pathfinder = AStar.Djikstra(self.position, my_grid, gameStateObj.map.width, gameStateObj.map.height, self.team, 'pass_through' in self.status_bundle) File "Code\fast_pathfinding.pyx", line 288, in Code.fast_pathfinding.Djikstra.__init__ (fast_pathfinding.c:8606) self.start = self.get_cell(self.startposition[0], self.startposition[1]) TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable Created save point at last turn change! Select Continue in Main Menu to load! === === === === === === Damn. Another bug :( Quick! Copy this error log and send it to rainlash! Or send the file "Saves/debug.log.1" to rainlash! Thank you! === === === === === ===
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