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Posts posted by LadyEmblem

  1. Hello, you know? I was like you when I saw FEWoD.net (a page like this but in spanish...)

    I didn't know if registering on the forum, until one day I registered LOL and a time ago I was wondering if join SF forums or not XD but one day I joined LOL

    Anyways, nice to meet you ^^

    welcome to the forest...

    be kind and don't get in troubles

    Greetings from Mexico

  2. Where's this Tomoyo person? And when will s/he post this latest chapter on MangaFox?

    Well, I'm nobody to say that but... I think Tomoyo must be so busy for manage the translation project (really it's hard translate and edit!). So I think he/she doesn't have time for post the chapter on MangaFox O:

    or at least I think so... just ignore me *sigh*

    p.d. Waiting anxiously the ch. 34 >//< kyaaa~ (I already read the manga again and again...and I don't get tired from do it!)

  3. My worst fears?

    Loneliness, heights, cockroaches, scorpions, spiders, mice, rats, bats, excess bleeding (like deep wounds)... >.<

    I don't remember more but I'm a person who is not known for being brave...

  4. Hey there... I'm Chilly and I really like fire emblem and pokemon! I kinda have a crush on Ike. I have only ever completed 2 FE games Radiant Dawn and Sacred Stones (Only once each though) I'm not really very good at the games but I think I'm ok. My firt FE game was Sacred stones. So... Hey everyone!

    Hello ^^ and welcome, be good and don't get in trouble, okay?

    haha don't worry if you have not played more than two FE games :3

    we started thus :lol:

    I'm not really very good at videogames but I do my attempt, so I understand you

  5. South Florida near Miami and 2 minutes from the beach :D

    Ohhh that's great! x3 living near the beach Owo

    well, my turn :'D

    I live in Tampico, a big city which located at the southeast of the state of Tamaulipas, just northeastern Mexico

    it's 40 minutes from beach and 9 hours from Brownsville, Texas :D:

    Just here...at the green point -.- (very very small...)


  6. Another idea: I want the return of secret events to come back. It started relatively strong in the early series, with FE4 having a ton of hidden events and conversations (a number of which fans aren't even familiar, like Cuan speaking with the knights north of the home castle, Chapter 2?).[...]

    That! :lol:

    Then, I think that we have to do a list with the things we want for this new FE :awesome:

    EDIT: Ah!! and send it to Nintendo (even they ignore our requestes :'3)

  7. I did my settings thus....

    1st generation:

    • Aideen-Jamka
    • Ayra-Holyn
    • Lachesis-Fin
    • Sylvia-Claude
    • Fury-Levin
    • Briggid-Dew
    • Tiltyu-Azel

    2nd generation:

    • Celice-Lana
    • Lana-Celice
    • Lester-No lover...
    • Lakche-Johan
    • Skasaher-Yuria
    • Ofaiye-No lover...
    • Yuria-Skasaher
    • Fee-Arthur
    • Sety-Tinny
    • Johan-Lakche
    • Shanan-Patty
    • Patty-Shanan
    • Faval-No lover...
    • Aless-Leen
    • Leen-Aless
    • Corple-No lover...
    • Leaf-Nanna
    • Nanna-Leaf
    • Delmud-No lover...
    • Fin-Single...?
    • Tinny-Sety
    • Arthur-Fee
    • Altenna-Arion...? (I think so)
    • Hannibal-No lover...

    EDIT: Everyone is alive, no deads...

    So, this is my ending....

    Levin : You've done well, Celice. You succeeded admirably in enduring all yours hardships to do what you just did.

    Celice : Levin, the war is won and over with, true, but the world is still in shambles. What should we possibly do from here? If we're going to heal all the scars in all the nations that have fallen, we'll be needing everyone to pull together and share the burden we each bear.

    Levin : For that, you need a leader. The descendants of the crusaders will be returning to their own countries, and in joining their efforts together, you can create a new world where everyone is free to feel happiness.

    Celice : A new world...

    Levin : Yes. And Celice, you shall remain here as the King of Grandbell. There, you have a responsibility to guide the world toward that end.

    Celice : Me!? As the King of Grandbell!?

    Levin : Yes, you and Yuria are, after all, the only successors to the throne who inherited the blood of the royal family. You two have the last wishes of those who died to fulfill, and they are watching over you even now. Don't ever forget the light they strove for.

    Celice : Yes.....I understand, King Levin. I'll be trying as hard as the limits of my strength will allow.

    Levin : And you also agree with this, Yuria?

    Yuria : Yes, Lord Levin. Helping Sir Celice...I mean, my brother, is my wish. No matter what troubles I face, I'll run away no longer...

    Yuria : Lady Rana, let's help Sir Celice together, shall we?

    Rana : Yes, and gladly! But Lady Yuria, you...

    Yuria : I'm going to atone for the sins done to Lord Sigurd, and all the crimes in which he was wrongly accused. It is my mother Diadora's wish...

    Levin : Well, well, everybody should be returning from the front lines soon. Celice, this is your first job as the new king. Say something to thank them for their efforts.

    Shannan : Celice, I'm going home. The people of Isaac are waiting for me.

    Celice : I don't know how I could ever thank you, Shannan. Thank you for being there for me all along.

    Shannan : When I was young, I was asked by your father Sir Sigurd to take care of Lady Diadora. But I failed, and she was lost. It was all my fault. And I couldn't forget what happened then to this day...I should really be apologizing to you instead...

    Celice : No, it's because of you and the people of Isaac that I live this long...Isaac is my home, and that's how it's going to stay, no matter what happens. I'm never going to forget.

    Shannan : If they hear those words, the people are going to be so glad, aren't they...?

    Patty : Really, Sir Shannan, you're talking to Lord Celice like he's a younger brother. Isn't he the king of Grandbell now?

    Shannan : Patty...? Ah...it's that way, isn't it? I have to call him King Celice from now on...or maybe calling him "Your Majesty" would be better...?

    Patty : S, Sir Shannan, you're angry. Wait, I understand…parting with Lord Celice must've been difficult. I'm sorry, that's a really terrible thing I just said.

    Shannan : Heh, it's all right. You're only saying the truth, after all.

    Patty : Sir Shannan...

    Celice : Shannan, I always think of you as my own brother. Come what may, please don't ever ever forget that...

    Shannan : I swear on my sword, King Celice. I will never forget that for as long as I shall live...

    Skasaha : Lord Celice, I'm accompanying the king back to my country. Helping Lord Shannan, helping to rebuild Isaac, that's my wish.

    Celice : Yeah, that's right, Skasaha. King Shannan's going to need you. And he's going to want you to help the Isaacian people for the sake of your late mother Lady Ayra, too.

    Skasaha : Yes, sir, on my life!

    Levin : Well then, now's the time when we must part. Take care of yourselves, warriors of Isaac!

    Leaf : I'm returning to Lenster, Lord Celice. Thank you for all the things you've done for me. The Thracia Peninsula was nearly torn apart by the flames of war, and I want to help it gets back up on its feet again. Altenna wanted it the same way, too.

    Celice : I see...Thracia has fallen into ruin, and as the king, the burden must weigh heavy on you. It's probably quite stressing....well, whatever comes, give it your best efforts.

    Leaf : Yes, sir. You take care of yourself, too, Lord Celice.

    Celice : Back then, my father Sigurd and your father Prince Cuan were willing to share their life and death together in their friendship. Prince Leaf, I wish for it to be the same way between us.

    Leaf : I as well, Celice!

    Nanna : Prince Leaf, are you going already?

    Leaf : Nanna, do you want to come along with me?

    Nanna : Ehh, is that all right!?

    Leaf : Of course. Please help me with this. I need you and your strength.

    Nanna : Y, yes!

    Celice : Princess Altenna, you're leaving for Thracia as well...

    Altenna : Yes, to fulfill the dream of one united Thracia, and to help Leaf as a king. That's all I can do to redeem those who raised me...King Trabant and Arion.

    Celice : It would be great if Arion could lend his strength to your cause, wouldn't it....?

    Altenna : That is.....that's meaningless yet. But sometime, someday...the time will come...

    Finn : Lord Celice, I'll be returning home as well. Please take care of yourself.

    Celice : Sir Finn, thank you. You've helped my family twice, my father and I. I don't know how to properly thank you, really...

    Finn : Sir, I'm a knight of Lenster. I was only carrying out the wishes of my lord, and it is only natural as a knight.

    Celice : Sir Finn, take good care of Thracia. Help Prince Leaf, and give for that country the peace it longed for.

    Finn : Yes, sir. That is also what the late Prince Cuan dreamed of. I shall give it the best I can til my strength runs itself dry.

    Hannibal : King Celice, thank you for everything. Now I'll be excusing myself as well.

    Celice : General Hannibal, you're leaving for Thracia as well?

    Hannibal : Hmm, the people are waiting for us, sir. Thracia still needs to be helped.

    Celice : Yes, that's right. A war general's strength would be needed to rebuild Thracia as well. Please take care of the younger folks, sir.

    Levin : Well, people of the Thracian Peninsula, the task ahead of you is heavy indeed. You must break the long hatred between your people and unite them as one. Create a peaceful place, all of you.

    Ares : Well, Celice, I owe you one. A big one. I won't go forgetting it for as long as I live.

    Celice : No, no, no, Prince Ares. Chancing to meet you gave me nothing but happiness. After all, aren't our father the incomparable best friends among best friends? Even though they ran into more than their share of misfortunes, they still believed in each other toward the very end. Let's make the dream our fathers failed to turn into reality come true, Prince Ares. Let the two of us join hands and guide the world toward that dream.

    Ares : My sentiments exactly, King Celice. Seeing a united Agustria in peace is my father's fondest desire. I'm going to take up that dying wish and help Agustria on its path to renewal.

    Ares : And for that, Lynn, your strength is necessary, too. Please help me do this.

    Lynn : Mmm, trust me on this one. I'm going to help rebuild Agustria as well. If everyone pull together, we can certainly make a country where everybody can live their lives in peace.

    Ares : Heh heh... You're right. If I'm with you, I feel like I can do anything.

    Delmud : Lord Celice, I'll be going to Agustria along with Prince Ares. I'm going to lend my strength toward rebuilding my country.

    Celice : You will, Delmud? I see. Your mother's the young princess of Nodion, wasn't she?

    Delmud : Yes, sir. My lady mother Lachesis was King Eltoshan's younger sister, so it only follows that there's not anybody else closer to him. I've decided to pledge my life to this cause. For my mother and King Eltoshan's death wishes, and for seeing Agustria united.

    Levin : Agustria is still in a state of civil war even as we speak. The road ahead of all of you is a difficult one, so pull together, try together. The future of Agustria is in your hands, now.

    Lester : Lord Celice, I'll be going to Verdane.

    Celice : To Verdane? Ah, I see. Your father was Prince Jamuka, right? I know how you probably feel. After the fall of the royal family, that place has only collapsed into ruin, taken over by theives and outlaws. That's what they say.

    Lester : Yes, sir. I don't how how much I can do by myself or how long I'll last, but I just can't let those brigands do as they like in there.

    Celice : Well, Verdane was where my parents met each other, and my mother's home. Lester, you have my wishes as well. Whatever it is that you do, please save the people of that land.

    Lester : Yes, my lord!

    Faval : We'll be making for Jungby then, Lord Celice.

    Celice : Yes, knowing that the one who's going to take care of Jungby is you really eases my mind, Faval. I know I can trust you.

    Faval : Wha, no, I, um, that's not...I never thought I'd end up this way, sir. But since I learned my mom's the Lady Bridgette of Jungby, I finally knew what it is that I must do. I'll follow you to the ends of the earth, Lord Celice, I swear it on this holy bow of mine!

    Celice : You're inheriting Freege, Tinny...? I'm sorry. This probably reminds you of not so pleasant things...

    Tinny : Mmm, it's for my mother. It's the only thing I know how to do, so I'm going to see it through. But, Lord Celice, can you please help me as I go along?

    Celice : Ah, of course. I won't let go of your hands as we go.

    Johan : Your Majesty, thanks for everything.

    Celice : Take good care of Dozel, Prince Johan.

    Johan : Going home won't exactly be a pleasant business, but I just have to atone for my father and my brother's crime. I wonder if the people will ever be able to forgive me...

    Celice : It's because of you and your strength that we won this war the way we did. The people knows. And your kindness, too. Everybody knows.

    Johan : Thank you, Your Majesty. If it's at all possible, please forgive House Dozel for our wrongs.

    Celice : Of course, Prince Johan. Please lend me your strength, for Grandbell's sake and the world's as well.

    Johan : Of course, my lord. Our loyalty towards the throne will never falter for as long as eternity lasts. I swear this. I promise.

    Lakche : Inspiring as usual, Johan. Well, you're really good at this, huh?

    Johan : Lakche, I...

    Lakche : Hee hee, I know. I love you after all, Johan.

    Johan : Aaah! Lakche, you've just made me the happiest man on earth!

    Celice : Corpul, you're going back to Edda?

    Corpul : Yes, my lord. To fulfill my father Claude's dying wishes, I'm going to bring Edda back to life.

    Celice : There's great strength in the Faith of Edda. No matter what, please bless us with your holy prayers, for Grandbell and for the world.

    Corpul : Yes, my lord!

    Arthur : Lord Celice...

    Celice : Arthur...the task that lies ahead of you is the heaviest of them all...forgive me.

    Arthur : No, sir. As the only surviving heir of the Velthomer dukedom, I can't face away from atoning for my family's heinous crimes. That's my father Duke Azel's wish as well.

    Celice : Arthur, I myself bear hatred toward Lord Alvis no longer. He was only swept along with fate, a sad man. I feel for him. Please accept my utmost condolences.

    Arthur : Lord Celice...thank you very much. I...will try to make House Velthomer's 'Emblem of Flame' a 'Mark of Justice' once again, to make the world call it that once again. I'll live with that as my purpose.

    Fee : Arthur, I'll be going to Velthomer, too.

    Arthur : Fee...?

    Fee : Mmmm, I'm soo not going to let you go alone! Everything will be a piece of cake as long as we're together!

    Oifaye : Well then, Lord Celice, I'll be making toward Chalphy.

    Celice : Eh!? Why, Oifaye!? I still need you! I thought you'd always stay beside me!

    Oifaye : No, my lord. It's time that you find your own road and walk it with pride. And so, I'll be protecting dukedome of Chalphy in your stead.

    Celice : Chalphy...I, I understand. Your words are right as always, Oifaye. Since I'm not inheriting the family home, there's no one else with Chalphy's bloodline but you. I can't leave it just like that...no matter how much it hurts.

    Oifaye : Please be at ease, my lord. I shall be protecting you from my place at Chalphy, myself.

    Celice : Oifaye. For me, who'd never known my own father, you're the closest thing to one that I've got. You taught me everything I know about tactics, chivalry, honor, and kindness...I can't find words enough to say how much I thank you...

    Oifaye : Lord Celice, I, too, am in great debt to your father. Lord Sigurd took me in when I was left alone, orphaned, and even took care of me like his own brother. And even then...I wasn't there with him to the last, to see with my own eyes...I'm such a fool.

    Celice : Oifaye...don't cry...it's because of me, it's all because of me...

    Oifaye : Yes, sir...please excuse me for my behavior...well then, Lord Celice, please...

    Celice : Mmm, you take care of yourself too, Oifaye.

    Sety : Well then, Lord Celice, I'll go back to Silesia with Father. Thank you for everything.

    Celice : That's great, to be going home with a father like Levin, Sety.

    Sety : Yes, sir. I'm very proud of him. I wish I can be just like him soon...

    Sety : Eh!? Why, Father!? The war's over! Please come home with us!

    Levin : No, my duty is done. As with all the other countries, it's time for Silesia to make a fresh start all over again. It needs the vigor of the young that you have.

    Sety : I don't understand...Silesia needs you. Please, whatever, however, please come home!

    Levin : You're being emotional, Sety. I'd like it if you'll refrain from embarrassing me any further. You should already understand what I mean. Isn't that right, Sety?

    Sety : ...Father...

    Levin : ...Well now, there's nothing left for me to say. Go! I trust you with Silesia!

    Levin : ...Well, Celice, I hate to say goodbye, but it's time for me to go on my journey, too.

    Celice : Levin...thank you...you've always watched over us young people. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Levin : I only did the duty that was expected out of me. I am the wind, a wind whose breath is meant to guide the warm radiance of light. And that light is there in the heart of each and every one of you.

    Celice : Yes, I understand now. I've always heard that Dragonkind fears involvement in the world of Man...but you're different. You broke that rule. You guided us. I, everyone, everything in this earth, will never forget the debt we owe you, Levin...no...warrior of a distant land, Holsety of the Wind...

    At last...I saw it!! x333

  8. I think:


    Aira: Holyn, because he looks the most like Skasaha.

    Lachesis: Beowulf

    Sylvia: Claude

    Fury: Levin

    Tiltyu: Azel

    Brigid: Dew

    Then, you think like me nyaam. But, about Aideen, I have doubts... I like Jamka for her lover, but Lester has blue hair; in this case his father would be Lex or Fin, as you say...but I can't imagine Aideen with any of them two, simply I cannot!!!!! This is one of the mysteries of Fire Emblem I can never solve....

    About Lachesis, I like Beowulf for her lover because Delmud and Nanna have blond hair, but it's said that Nanna is Fin's daughter. Then there are two possibilities:

    1. Lachesis fled to Lenster when she was pregnant with Nanna, and Fin raised her as his daughter.

    2. Or after the battle of Barhara, Lachesis fled to Lenster, where, with Fin, conceived Nanna, and by chance, Nanna pulled the hair of her mother. So, Delmud and Nanna are half-blood siblings...

    Nee, they are things that came up in my stubborn mind

    For Ayra, is Holyn because Skasaher looks like his father nyaam~~

    p.d. Please, delete my previous 2 posts. My computer and Internet suck! >.>

  9. I think:


    Aira: Holyn, because he looks the most like Skasaha.

    Lachesis: Beowulf

    Sylvia: Claude

    Fury: Levin

    Tiltyu: Azel

    Brigid: Dew

    <FONT color=#9932cc face="Century Gothic">Then, you think like me :sparkle: nyaam. But, about Aideen, I have doubts... I like Jamka for her lover, but Lester has blue hair; in this case his father would be Lex or Fin, as you say...but I can't imagine Aideen with any of them two, simply I cannot!!!!!

  10. I think:


    Aira: Holyn, because he looks the most like Skasaha.

    Lachesis: Beowulf

    Sylvia: Claude

    Fury: Levin

    Tiltyu: Azel

    Brigid: Dew

    <FONT color=#9932cc face="Century Gothic">Then, you think like me :sparkle: nyaam. But, about Aideen, I have doubts... I like Jamka for her lover, but Lester has blue hair; in this case his father would be Lex or Fin, as you say...but I can't imagine Aideen with any of them two, simply I cannot!!!!!

  11. Maybe some old forgotten mechanics, [...] limited arenas [...] or the lover system, dismounting, dancers or bards to come back [...]

    Yes, I want that D: (specially the system of love) :wub:

    bring it on Wii or make it have good emulator options, otherwise I can't play it either way...

    I doubt that :/: that's why I'm seriously thinking of buying a 3DS.... I'm poor!!!! :sob:

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