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Everything posted by LadyEmblem

  1. thank you very much

  2. Aww... Tomoyo, I'm really sorry well, but as Ice Sage says... it's ok, we're grateful with your work! and don't worry, at least for my part, I'll wait :)
  3. I'll be 19 very soon and I feel like a woman in her 40's or 50's LOOOL I miss that time when I was 16 or 17 :C
  4. I think I'm in love again ://3 (does he worth it?)

  5. Yay! Thanks Tomoyo C: Don't forget that I'll be chopped after reading this, so hurry up to the next chapter Owo I hope it soon :D *she goes to read...*
  6. Fire Emblem Awakening is releasing in Japan :3 and it's very cheap!! D: It costs 4,800 yens (I can't believe, it's like 783 mexican pesos... a videogame costs 1000 pesos :C)

    1. Light Lord

      Light Lord

      And that's like the lowest we can get a game in Mexico, Kid Icarus is around 790s, Resident Evil Revelations is around 780s and I don't think they will go down for a while.

    2. LadyEmblem


      Lo sé, lo sé! a veces desearía estar en Japón O:

  7. chapter 35?? *u* OMG!!! *she reads the chapter* TheEnd... I already knew that D:
  8. I'm brokenhearted

  9. No way! Masked man in FE13 is Marth TnT Marth again....

  10. Ohhh yeeahh!! That's good Tomoyo :D I hope you can add ch. 35 soon ^^ Ok, then.... if you'll excuse me... *she reads the ch. 34*
  11. Je suis une de tes fleurs du Printemps! :$

    1. LadyEmblem


      (my poor-bad french LOL)

  12. Hey there!

    1. Helios
    2. LadyEmblem


      a late Hi :3333 how it's going?

  13. LadyEmblem


    Hello, you know? I was like you when I saw FEWoD.net (a page like this but in spanish...) I didn't know if registering on the forum, until one day I registered LOL and a time ago I was wondering if join SF forums or not XD but one day I joined LOL Anyways, nice to meet you ^^ welcome to the forest... be kind and don't get in troubles Greetings from Mexico
  14. The song "When You're Gone" by Avril Lavigne reminds me Sigurd x Diadora a lot... :'C

  15. Well, I'm nobody to say that but... I think Tomoyo must be so busy for manage the translation project (really it's hard translate and edit!). So I think he/she doesn't have time for post the chapter on MangaFox O: or at least I think so... just ignore me *sigh* p.d. Waiting anxiously the ch. 34 >//< kyaaa~ (I already read the manga again and again...and I don't get tired from do it!)
  16. well, it's supposed you have to do this LOL Nyam nice to meet you, welcome to the forest! Enjoy your stay and don't get in troubles okay? :3 Greetings from Mexico
  17. Oh my!!! I knew FE4 was going to be the highest of all FE I read the topic's tittle and I said: "Surely is FE4 :3" (but I didn't expect that FE3 and FE1 were on the list Owo)
  18. My worst fears? Loneliness, heights, cockroaches, scorpions, spiders, mice, rats, bats, excess bleeding (like deep wounds)... >.< I don't remember more but I'm a person who is not known for being brave...
  19. As TheEnd didn't agree, bye project :C

    1. Darros
    2. LadyEmblem


      Was a little project to translate FE4 Fuyuki Nea's manga into spanish, I told about it to TheEnd but he replied he doesn't agree...although he also told me I could do my project and he wouldn't do anything but I don't want that...if I continue with the project like if nothing happens I feel that I would be doing something illegal :C

  20. Oh I'm green :3 we, the green ones, are the destined Owo (??) Thanks Tangerine
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