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Posts posted by Kiran_

  1. On 1/4/2019 at 10:41 PM, Freohr Datia said:

    okay so

    I just really love Tobi's art in general, but I'd choose female Morgan's as my favorite. I need to learn to color eyes that way...

    Agreed! Tobi is my favorite artist overall. Love the watecolor style and the eyes are beautiful.

    But favorite overall art? Maybe Marisa? I just adore the colors used in her hair/eyes/outfit. Something about it is just beautiful to me. F!Morgan would be a close runner-up.

    Honorable mentions in no particular order (not including anything Tobi did): L!Lucina, Joshua, LA!Eliwood, NY!Corrin and NY!Hrid.


  2. Last ticket. And just my luck. 5* Zelgius. It's a rigged system. The desire sensor must be secretly connected to my account and it knew. Luckily, no 5* after that, so my pity rate is FINALLY at like 3.5% so I should be getting another 5* soon, I can only pray it's Hrid finally. Prior it kept being broken without even getting to 3.25%, so fingers crossed!


  3. I really like NY!Laegjarn! She's killing it. Just need her 5* version so she can hit harder, but she's so tanky (especially with Braz Atk/Def).

    But currently using Eir (+3), Brave Veronica (+1), NY!Azura (+1), and NY!Laegjarn and despite the lack of reds or any true heavy hitters, with the boons to their stats, they're all beasts. Eir can pretty much one-shot anything on the field and if not, one dance and they're dead.

    Still trying to get enough SP for NY!Laegjarn, but almost there. She learned all her skills finally, so just need enough extra SP to refine her weapon,

  4. Wow, my luck is being annoying!

    I'm being conservative with how many orbs I spend a day, so for the free ticket, I got 5* Siegbert (why!?) and THEN on my next pull I got NY!Fjorm (thanks no reds) and THEN on my next pull, I got a 5* Ugly Celica (yay Death Blow 4?).

    I have never gotten so many 5* on so few orbs, and yet somehow never the one I want!

    Then I had to do one round of pulls on the Kliff banner (I was at 3.5%) and VOILA! 5* Kliff (like I wanted!). So then I went back to the New Years banner, thinking my luck had changed, and got 3 reds, and got 3 Eliwoods (all 3*).

    So I'm waiting until tomorrow's free ticket now. What a saga. Hrid is hiding so well, and I can't use all my orbs because Laguz are coming soon.

  5. My free pull? Gunnthra (of course!). And then, 40 orbs later, Eirika (tome version). So then I had to stop for the day cause I was sad. Gonna wait till that next ticket then pull two rounds. Then the next ticket, pull another 2 rounds.

    Also lackluster red sniping potential. I kept getting 1 per pull session, so a waste of 5 orbs. =( Alas, I know Hrid will eventually come to me if I'm patient (and until then I'll just keep using his regular version who I got on like my second pull, so this is really just karma and the evil desire sensor).

  6. 13 hours ago, Garlyle said:

    Looking over bonus units...

    Hríd, you are not a princess.

    Let him be who he wants. Hahaha. He can be a pretty princess if he wants to be.

    If I'm lucky enough to get him, NY!Hrid is naturally gonna be on my team along with Eir and Laegjarn. I love doing TT runs with nothing but Bonus Units.  But might leave the 4th slot open for like Brave Veronica or a dancer depending on what I get from the NY!2 Banner.

  7. 4 hours ago, Michelaar said:

    I'll go with Hríd. I like that he actually shows skin in his damaged art (think of me what you like)

    I wish he showed a little moreee skin if I'm being honest. Heh.

    But mildly upset they put Hrid and Corrin in the same pool, because just in case Hrid looses, I would have gone over to Corrin. But I guess Takumi (then NY!Azura) will be my 2nd and 3rd choices if Hrid doesn't manage to pull through.

  8. Was gonna dip back into the colorless section of the Legendary Banner, but with the reveal of NY!Hrid, I'm gonna have to be satisfied. Blew a little under 80-ish orbs for a 3rd Eir, and a 2nd Brave Veronica (sadly no 2nd Summer Takumi). Was hoping to do another round or two since merges are always welcome and colorless was the only color where there were no pity breakers!

    Now here's hoping my 3.5% summon rate on the Kliff banner will be broken by Kliff and not Lucas. D=

  9. Even though they were already datamined, it's nice to see them officially revealed. They all look surprisingly nice (so happy Laegjarn is a free unit, cause it helps save SOME orbs), but kinda upset that Hrid is both red and sharing a color with his sister, because the chances of me getting him are slim.

    And to think I wanted Kliff & NY!Azura/NY!Takumi merges. D= Surprised thought that they all got alts so quickly, but I have a feeling we won't see them again as units/characters so it's sorta like their last hurrah. But really I just love this new NY!Hrid, so I guess that RD banner is gonna have to wait!

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