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Posts posted by Kngt_Of_Titania

  1. I had 13x in forever ago! I only did 14 today!

    Yeah, just noticed that now. For some reason, I thought you didn't. >.>

    Total Score:

    1st: Horace - 113 Points

    2nd: Blue - 97 Points

    3rd: Shin - 95 Points

    4th: Cam - 74 Points

    5th: Harpoon - 71 Points

    6th: Boron - 65 Points



    1st: Horace (840 EXP) - 18 Points

    2nd: Shin (741 EXP) - 15 Points

    3rd: Blue (720 EXP) - 12 Points

    4th: Boron (639 EXP) - 9 Points

    5th: Cam (512 EXP) - 6 Points

    6th: Harpoon (504 EXP) - 3 Points



    1st: Cam (772 EXP) - 12 Points

    2nd: Shin (661 EXP) - 10 Points

    3rd: Blue (635 EXP) - 8 Points

    4th: Horace (621 EXP) - 6 Points

    5th: Harpoon (530 EXP) - 4 Points

    6th: Boron (440 EXP) - 2 Points


    1st: Horace (4 Turns) - 12 Points

    2nd: Shin/Blue (6 Turns) - 10 Points

    4th: Boron (7 Turns) - 6 Points

    5th: Cam/Harpoon (8 Turns) - 4 Points


    1st: Shin - 20 Points

    2nd: Horace/Blue - 18 Points

    4th: Cam - 16 Points

    5th: Boron/Harpoon - 8 Points

    TL;DR: The Giants Shinster wins the pennant chapter! The Giants Shinster wins the pennant chapter!

  2. If it's just a small(ish) sequence of edits that borked your ROM, and you didn't have a backup, you can open up an unmodified ROM and zip to the same address where you did modify data in the other ROM, then just copy/overwrite the vanilla data over your bad edit. Should be a quick fix.

    But yeah, common sense 101 - don't fuck with it without protection.

    Well, what happened was that I forgot I closed out of Event Assembler, so the options were at "Whole Length" and "0" when I assembled C5's event data back in, basically erasing the event data for every chapter.

    Or at least I think that's what happened. I assume it's so, mainly ecause it went straight to the main menu every time I tried to open up a chapter.

  3. What are you going to do with the Tower of Valni? Fill it with level 1 unpromoted monsters with capped stats?

    I don't know, tbh. I'll leave it for last; it at least allows people to adjust the difficulty indirectly. Optimistically, I want it and the Ruins to pop up after the main story has been completed.

    Unfortunately, while screwing with events, I completely wiped out the most recent version of the ROM by accident, so I'm spending a couple hours restoring the data (I have almost EVERY change I made documented on Word, go me~) before I can wrap up C5. Learned to back up my patch more often the hard way, I guess.

    I know it seems like I've been doing little, but I've been refining the patch like crazy (playing each character, seeing how bases/growths/enemies/chapters need to be tuned, things like that) before I send out v0.1, which will likely go up to C6 instead of C8 as originally planned. I think the balance is actually pretty good, and I've been working hard to address issues alpha play-testers have risen.

    My biggest issues right now are C2, which might be slightly undertuned, and C4, which might be slightly overtuned (although I find C4 to be my favorite so far, so I'm afraid to tamper with it). Once v0.1 goes out and I get more feedback, I'll know for sure.

  4. So, as some of you might know, I'm working on the "KoT Hack", a balance & difficulty increasing (among other things) patch for FE8 and my first leap into ROM hacking. My issue is that I can't seem to change the positions of any of the enemy units with the Event Assembler.

    With the event assembler, I've managed to put in a ballista in one of the maps (C5, to be specific) and can even position it easily with the [X,Y] function. However, when I dissassemble the C5 Events code and try to do the same with the enemy in question (so as to put it right on top of the ballista), it doesn't work -- it remains in the EXACT SAME position regardless of the coordinates I put in for it. I know that I'm changing the code for the right enemy since I've changed the coding for its class and can see the results in-game.

    So what is going on? Why do some enemies share the exact same coordinates, which don't even correspond to their positions? What am I doing wrong, and how can I fix it?

  5. Total Score:

    1st: Horace - 77 Points

    2nd: Blue - 67 Points

    3rd: Shin/Harpoon - 60 Points

    5th: Cam - 52 Points

    6th: Boron - 48 Points



    1st: Harpoon (665 EXP) - 18 Points

    2nd: Horace (663 EXP) - 15 Points

    3rd: Boron (596 EXP) - 12 Points

    4th: Shin (411 EXP) - 9 Points

    5th: Cam (355 EXP) - 6 Points

    6th: Blue (311 EXP) - 3 Points


    1st: Blue (5 Turns) - 18 Points

    2nd: Cam/Shin (6 Turns) - 15 Points

    3rd: Horace/Harpoon (7 Turns) - 9 Points

    4th: Boron (9 Turns) - 3 Points


    1st: Harpoon - 27 Points

    2nd: Horace/Shin - 24 Points

    3rd: Cam/Blue - 21 Points

    4th: Boron - 15 Points

    TL;DR: Harpoon wins the chapter, edging out Horace by 2 EXP and giving him a taste of his own medicine. The universe then implodes as hell freezes over.

  6. Alright, Shin gave me C11 and C12, so I'm calculating points now!

    Total Score:

    1st: Horace - 53 Points

    2nd: Blue - 46 Points

    3rd: Shin - 36 Points

    4th: Boron/Harpoon - 33 Points

    6th: Cam - 31 Points



    1st: Horace (342 EXP) - 12 Points

    2nd: Boron (339 EXP) - 10 Points

    3rd: Cam (312 EXP) - 8 Points

    4th: Shin (277 EXP) - 6 Points

    5th: Blue/Harpoon (212 EXP) - 4 Points


    1st: Shin/Blue (6 Turns) - 12 Points

    2nd: Horace/Harpoon/Boron (7 Turns) - 8 Points

    3rd: Cam (8 Turns) - 2 Points


    1st: Horace - 20 Points

    2nd: Boron/Shin -18 Points

    3rd: Blue - 16 Points

    4th: Harpoon - 12 Points

    5th: Cam - 10 Points



    1st: Harpoon (628 EXP) - 18 Points

    2nd: Horace (523 EXP) - 15 Points

    3rd: Blue (518 EXP) - 12 Points

    4th: Cam (513 EXP) - 9 Points

    5th: Shin (432 EXP) - 6 Points

    6th: Boron (378 EXP) - 3 Points


    1st: Horace/Blue (4 Turns) - 18 Points

    2nd: Cam/Boron/Shin (5 Turns) - 12 Points

    3rd: Harpoon (6 Turns) - 3 Points


    1st: Horace - 33 Points

    2nd: Blue - 30 Points

    3rd: Cam/Harpoon - 21 Points

    5th: Shin - 18 Points

    6th: Boron - 15 Points

    TL;DR: Horace beats next person down in EXP by 3-5 EXP, then does well in LTC.

  7. are you retarded


    he covers almost half the map

    and this is assuming he's standing as far as possible from the player (top right corner, blue spot).

    ...And the only non-boss enemies there (or who aren't lured out of there 2-ranging you as you bust open the second wall) are a brigand and the Bolting mage.

    At this point, whether the Bolting mage stays is pending feedback. But I'm saying it's not as bad as you think.

  8. Sweet glorious victory! I've often thought Ross was too overpowering in the early game; this is exactly what's needed to pull his dominance down.

    Ross has actually been largely improved over his current iteration. It's more the fact that I have to balance him as a trainee that makes him initially frail. He actually had large buffs in bases, including a 5 HP base increase (to 20 HP base). Because the Bolting mage has around 20 ATK or so now, Ross can be OHKO'd if he hasn't proc'd either HP or RES up to that point and doesn't use pure water. In my alpha-testing, very little OHKO's him, and I've found him pretty reasonable to train.

    So that he covers the area in which you're guaranteed to go through.


    This makes him less of a threat, you say.

    Mainly because he can only OHKO (maybe) your frailest character and is stuck at the corner of the map, so that you can deal with every other enemy on the map save him, the boss, and one mountain thief who only attacks people in his range before you ever get in Bolting range.

    You basically have almost full control when he attacks you, which makes it way less of an issue than you'd think. I wouldn't implement anything "cheap" like that.

    I'm currently doing a bunch of alpha-testing and having somebody beta-test it before I release the initial patch. Mainly to quell any concerns about its difficulty, I'll be releasing v0.1 sooner than originally planned.

  9. Uh, you claim this is a balance patch but then there's this


    And Eirika is OHKOed in the Prologue. If anything, this is making Seth more broken as you rely on him more to get shit done.

    I actually buffed the Bolting mage to set up a joke. He doesn't OHKO base Eirika in the current version. The sad part is the only people this buffed Bolting mage ended up OHKO'ing were Ross and Eirika; also, the mage is put in such a place that he's not really that big of a threat -- he's right by the boss, and is programmed never to move. >.>

    As for O'Neill, that was actually from an earlier iteration of the patch. He has less STR and more SKL now.

    EDIT: I've decided to make a more mild nerf to the Bolting mage and just buff Eirika's HP base, which I decided was a bit low compared to everybody else.

  10. Alright, since it's been about a week, I'm giving a notice.

    Baldrick/HongLei, you have one more week to complete the draft. Any chapters you have not completed by then will not count for any points. If you have anything going on IRL or I see you're trying to complete it in a timely fashion, I'll be more than flexible, but it's not fair to Boron and Konnor97 if I don't tabulate the final score.

    EDIT: I realized looking back that I can score up to C25 now. I'll do that later tonight, probably.

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