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Everything posted by SporeMansion

  1. Setting All series a few years after their respective endings plus a bunch of original countries Literacy Any, though semi lit-lit is more welcomed Plot Lords and characters rest easy as their nations are in a more peaceful and prospering state than they were in battle. Suddenly it gets interrupted as strange semi clones of their allies, and previously deceased villains or sometimes even allies start showing up from the grave working with said clones. The eventually meet very foreign (original) characters who are hired by a demigod named "Nyaro" who takes them to one base and informs them that this threat extends into multiple worlds. So characters unite to stop this threat once and for all. Info So yeah, this story is actually a lot like warriors but with some more OCs that I swear will be better than the lemon twins, not Mary sues or incredibly bland. But yeah I'm looking for someone to rp as the canon characters with me, The cast is huge and I'm looking for someone to be any CC which I know sounds like a lot but I have had rp partners before who can and know that there are people who don't mind it. Not every fe character will be in this story obviously and obviously, I'm not asking for someone to play the characters all at once, just those relevant to the scene which I'll let you choose. So the plot is kind of simple, just mostly character interactions for the first art where half of it takes place at the base are just hanging out and it's more comedic and light hearted, but the more world traveling and things explained it'll take a really dark tone, possibly genealogy levels So if you're interested in this give me a comment and I'll contact you ASAP
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