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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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  1. Already reading it. I'm on Storm of Swords right now
  2. Please pick units yourselves, the list is up to date, and I am no even playing, just hosting.

  3. I could've sworn I posted from my iphone, twice. The first time I know it didn't go through because I got random characters I didn't want, but did it seriously not go through again? Just give me whomever at this point

  4. You get to pick two characters in the dibs draft, since you missed out somewhere.

  5. Is there some reason you can't comment on my profile? 0_o

  6. I also forgot to mention I'll just pm you the link

  7. Um, it might've helped if you could've commented on my profile to give me a notice that you'd responded, lol. Ah well, I'll just upload it sometime tomorrow, does that sound okay?

  8. Hey, can I have a link to your video getting Nealuchi to S-rank strike in 2-P?

  9. How do you propose to 6 turn 1-E in a draft on HM?
  10. On 1-E now, and before I continue, what's a good turncount for part 1 on HM?
  11. Do you mean before or after starting? If after, that's amazing . I'm at 55 turns on 1-9 right now. I thought surely some of my strategies would be unable to be replicated without Jill and Leonardo. Though I feel cheated out of turns on both 1-6-1 and 1-8.
  12. Hey do you have a youtube channel? I need it so I can set the 2-E video to private and then send it to you.

  13. Yes, I'll try to get it up within a couple of days.
  14. Pretty sure I've done this before. I could put a video of it up on my channel if you want
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