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Everything posted by Karuu30

  1. Pulled two L!Alm in the legendary banner, one was -atk +res and the other was -spd +hp. I decided to keep the -atk and merge the other so now he’s only +res. The problem is his A slot, should I keep Darting blow? Or give him LnD/SS2 for more offensive power?
  2. Nice to finally see some SoV love. Overall, this banner don’t look so awesome in terms of fodder (excluding atk/spd bond 4). I’m pretty sure no one will be demoted (however the addition of Valbar as a normal unit in the pool is really appreciated) I hope he gets decent skills. I was hoping for Luthier, I want the siblings together. Maybe I’ll pull for Silque.
  3. Planning on build the neutral M!Byleth Maybe something like this: Creator sword. Reposition. Noontime/Moonbow/not sure about it. Distant counter. Need help with his B skill. Odd Speed wave. Darting stance I wanr to make him kinda enemy phase. Any advices? Thanks
  4. In the case that I purchase the expansion pass, it will be if I start an other route? Or only for the route I’m playing and I’ll have to buy it again later?
  5. Can someone explain me how the support with Rhea works, please? I’m in BL, chapter 11 and I tried to reach the level B with her but guess it was too late.
  6. Thanks a lot for your advices, it helps me so much, great as always. Now I have many ideas of how to build her and which skills to choose.
  7. Now that’s the main problem for me, tbh I feel “guilty” when I do something like that. I have another copy of her but is -atk +hp, is importat to consider the fact that she can get a merge?
  8. Is Fury better than Swift Sparrow in Katarina? I’m planning on build her, but want to keep Reese tome. She is +Def -Hp. However, I’m wonder if is it worth to give her a good build or just save her as SS fodder.
  9. Is it worth to invest in a -Def +Spd Kliff? Or it would be better to save him for fodder?
  10. Any builds for a +def -hp Fallen!Tiki? I want to keep special fighter but i don’t know which skills are the best for her.
  11. Those are perfect IVs for her, with 40 speed she will make and avoid some doubles. The problem is her low base atk and her weapon doesn’t help too much, if you want to really invest in her, you could give her a blade tome and desperation.
  12. You have a point. I decide to keep and build her for full support. I was thinking which B-skill is better for her, as a dancer WoM is obviously a good choice but she have 3 movement when transformed so... would a chill be better than WoM? I’m planning to use her in a beast/dragon emblem if it helps to choose a skill
  13. I pulled a random Leanne, she is the first one I have but is -spd +def. Should I build her or keep her for fodder?
  14. What can I do with 2 neutral Adrift M!Corrin? Is it worth to build him and merge the other one or fodder one of them? Btw I don’t have DC for them.
  15. Does anyone know when legendary heroes return? I really want L!Alm but... no orbs. I know he just literally appeared and it’s too soon for his re-run but I want to know when the legendary heroes return for being prepared
  16. I’ve pulled two Sothes, one is +spd -hp and the other is +atk -def. Which boon is better for him?
  17. H!Myrrh and other armor dragon like L!Tiki are perfect for him because dragon, another way to buff him is with the armor buffs like ward or goad (the during-combat buffs) those C skill are good for non-dragon armor allies if you want to put him in an armor emblem. Or maybe you can put him in a mix team with allies that use drive skills, or even use some skills like Atk tactic or Res tactic for buff Caineghis without being adyacent to him
  18. Which build is better for normal Micaiah? An enemy phase build or a player phase build? She is +Res -Def and i don’t know how to build her
  19. Both have vengeful fighter and you don’t have to worry about DC so if you want you can keep vengeful fighter. For Robin you can give him a breath for his A slot, keep vengeful fighter and for his C slot maybe Fortify/Ward armor would be nice for an armor team For Caineghis his base kit is already powerful, and you always can put a ward/fortify in his C slot Also if you wish you can give them Svalinn shield for armor weakness
  20. Which are the best characters that can use a rally skill? If i’m correct the rally skills increase the arena score right?
  21. Is there a way to fix a +Res -Atk Velouria? Btw for premium fodder (in the case that she is still workable) I only have wrath and swift sparrow
  22. Wait what? Caineghis have DC? Armor witch DC, Distant def. 4, vengeful fighter and a weapon that buffs all of his stats during combat??? Unfortunetely i don’t have orbs for summon
  23. Which is the better special for Cherche? I was thinking in Aether + heavy blade, or other with minus cooldown charge with also heavy blade will work better?
  24. Hey! Recently I started to create some weapons in the forge and it’s really fun! I already forge a Rhomphaia and a Killer bow and it’s sooo cool! Anyway, I have some questions about this... what the Regalian Archanea weapons do? (Sorry if I write the name bad) and which is the better one? You’re free to comment other questions about the forge so we can help each other. Thank you
  25. I have 3 shigures, all of them are +hp -spd and one of them is 5* so... should I merge them? and what weapon is better for him? I’m between FS lance and his default harmonic lance because it’s refinable. Thank you!
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