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Ice Sage

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Everything posted by Ice Sage

  1. haha i remember this virtual boy game. looks fun xD
  2. Damn that sucks :/. but like you said at least you got Fridays off.
  3. ^this Marvel vs capcom as well. 2 and 3 were fun.
  4. ...dondon has beaten FE6 with 0% growths. its possible. Sos is pretty strong.
  5. I think its used in a conversation where Dean leaves your group if Linoan dies. not sure. EDIT: Just checked the Conversation. It plays victory minor instead. Don't know if sorrow is used in the game.
  6. Alright Thoughts - 3/4 got corple - Horace and Jedi had the best music - all of you had a nice strategy for chapter 3 - chapter 4 must've been a pain. random reinforcements - good thing you guys have Fergus =P - Jedi and BigBangMeteor took penalties for chapter 4 Turn Counts Name 3 4 Horace 7 17 Jedi 8 24 Refa 6 19 BigBang 7 35 Standings Horace 20 Refa 19 Jedi 16 BBM 14 Videos: Horace Refa Part 1 Save File: Horace If i messed anything up, let me know.
  7. Nice to see this project alive xD looking forward to this.
  8. alright might as well take Jill xD
  9. Happy Birthday!

  10. Wrote it Jedi :D

  11. due to chapter 4's unfairness, Horace has allowed Save states for the final room in Chapter 4
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